By 2030 (UN agenda) – the role of business in responding to global challenges
PZU, in a leadership role, is taking steps to implement Agenda 2030. PZU has defined Sustainable Development Goals that it can have the best impact on, and included them in the fundamental assumptions of its ESG Strategy. PZU’s contribution to the selected goals is evident in daily business practice. Product offerings that support the climate and energy transition are in line with the tasks of Goal 7, Goal 9 and Goal 15. Prevention health and safety activities are PZU’s contribution to improving the quality of life of local communities and fulfilling the tasks of Goal 3 and Goal 11. A large impact was also identified by PZU in labor issues such as the terms and conditions of employment offered or gender equality (Goal 5, Objective 8) and in supplier relations through the development of sustainable supply chain practices (Goal 8, Objective 12).
In 2015, 193 UN members states adopted a plan for a transformation of the world and improving the life of every human being on the planet - the Sustainable Development Agenda. The Agenda 2030 sets out 17 Sustainable Development Goals and 169 targets to be achieved, which clearly specify the actions to be taken to ensure than every person can use the fruits of this development. The Global Goals are pursued by all the stakeholders: governments, the world of science and research, society, as well as business.
UN goals in PZU ESG strategy
The Sustainable Development Goals are the largest global corporate undertaking. Enterprises integrate into their strategies and actions the universal values and principles in respect of human rights, work, environment and ethics. By subscribing to the sustainable development goals, business can join into sharing the responsibility and contribute to building of a better world.
Agenda ONZ 2030
By 2050 (long-term perspective)
ESG “Balanced Growth” strategy for 2021-2024 sets not only medium-term goals related to business support but also longterm ambitions until 2050, which will allow the PZU Group to carry out a rebalanced business across the value chain.
According to the adopted assumptions, the changes will be made first by the main insurance companies – PZU and PZU Życie. By 2024, it is planned to:
- achieve climate neutrality, through reduction of energy consumption, use of RES and emission offsets (implementation/support of reduction projects leads to processes that contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions);
- reduce of other resources in day-to-day operations: water, paper, fuels.

By 2030, it is planned to:
- limit the carbon footprint of more companies in the PZU Group;
- start reducing emissions throughout the chain of PZU Group’s cooperating entities.
Between 2040-2050, the Group’s ambition is to achieve climate neutrality of supplier and business partners, and ultimately also of insurance clients and investments.