As the largest insurer in Poland and at the same time a socially responsible company, PZU pursues large-scale prevention actions aimed at reducing the number of accidents in Poland.
PZU regards cooperation with rescue organizations, both professional and volunteer-based, as well as support for local actions serving the improvement of safety and forging of responsible and safe conduct, as a very basis of its social commitment.
Safety Academy
Started in December 2017, PZU Foundation’s nationwide project with the aim of providing safety education to children. The Academy organizes comprehensive activities, inviting the participation of police officers from the General Police Headquarters as well as units from Voivodship, County or City Police Headquarters, medical rescuers and qualified activity animators. The activities use state-of-the-art machines and equipment, such as road accident simulators. Education for the youngest children takes the form of theater plays performed by professional actors.
In 2022, the sixth and seventh editions of the project were successfully implemented. It was attended by 26 elementary schools from: Gościszewo, Sandomierz, Marcyporęba, Tłuczań, Zielin, Moryń, Czelin, Kruszyna, Brzyszów, Aleksandria, Hrubieszów, Leśniowice, Uchanie, Kolno, Pisz, Stawiska, Namysłów, Domaszowice, Wołczyn, Kosieczyn, Ołobok, Międzylesie, Zelgno, Cekcyn, Kraszkowice, Zielęcin. In other words, the project reached out to 12 voivodships and almost 12 thousand pupils. In total, the Academy has already visited more than 100 schools in Poland since the program began.

Best practices of PZU and PZU Życie
Rehabilitation stays for children and minors at risk of post-accident trauma and at risk of posttraumatic stress disorder due to chronic illness in the family
Since 2013, PZU has been running a comprehensive system of psychological support for persons injured in accidents whose perpetrators were holders of TPL policies with PZU. To mitigate the consequences of accidents, PZU finances the costs of stays for children with post-accident trauma and their guardians at rehabilitation stays during the winter break and summer vacation. This is a form of residential psychological therapy conducted in the therapeutic centers of the Teddy Bears Rescue Children’s Lives Association in Dźwierzyna and the Siemacha Association in Odparyszów.
Since 2021, PZU has also been directing this form of support to people who have lost family stability as a result of the loss of a loved one or severe damage to their health, such as an oncological disease. In 2022, a total of 90 persons benefited from this form of support.
Cooperation with the emergency services
Promotion of safety in the mountains is possible due to the collaboration with the Voluntary Mountain Rescue Service (GOPR). PZU has been supporting GOPR for over 15 years now, by, among others, providing equipment for administering rescue operations, financing rescuer training, carrying out joint educational activities. In collaboration with GOPR, PZU has launched an e-learning platform dedicated to safety in the mountains.
In 2021, PZU, together with the GOPR Foundation, launched cooperation on the GOPR Academy educational project. The GOPR Foundation has conducted numerous educational and prevention projects, in which GOPR rescuers have conducted preventive workshops as well as participated in various educational ventures throughout the country – working to protect and promote health, as well as popularize an active and safe lifestyle. In 2022 alone, we managed to conduct more than 150 free GOPR Academy lectures dedicated to children in schools and other educational institutions. The Academy was also present at the Andrzej Zawada Mountain Festival in Lądek Zdrój, the Kraków Mountain Festival and 25th Świdnica Mountain Days – Świdnica Mountain Festival. PZU has also developed content and commercially conducted GOPR Academy trainings on mountain safety. Training topics included skitouring, avalanches, winter mountaineering, climbing, caving. The trainings were conducted in the Karkonosze, Sudety, Jura, Beskidy and Podhale GOPR groups, by GOPR Academy instructors and at the same time GOPR rescuers for individual and business clients in the autumn/winter 2021/2022 period. Commercial trainings were carried out for individual clients, but also for business clients, such as KGHM, ING Bank Śląski, Polish Tourism Organization, etc. Educational support was also provided by the PZU Foundation, acting as a partner of the nationwide information and education campaign of the Police (the Prevention Department of the General Police Headquarters) entitled “Kręci mnie bezpieczeństwo na stoku” (Turn On Safety On the Piste). The campaign is directly addressed to children, youth and adults. Its primary objective is to develop responsible behavior of skiers and snowboarders, raise the awareness of legal liability for breaches of regulations applicable on skiing slopes, and dissemination of the rules of the Decalogue of the International Skiing Federation (FIS). Course participants received information and educational materials, and over 10,000 safety-symbolizing gadgets, provided, among others, by the PZU Foundation.
PZU has also got financially involved in avalanche training organized by the Polish Freeskiing Association and TOPR. The participants learn how to engage in proper planning of mountain trips, how to avoid the avalanche hazard and how to behave after an avalanche. Mock rescue operations are also organized with the use of detectors; they learn how to find people buried in an avalanche and how to administer first aid to avalanche victims. All these activities take place in the PZU Avalanche Training Center in Kalatówki.
PZU has been influencing safety by the water for many years, helping rescue units financially, especially on Zegrze Lake and the Great Mazurian Lakes route. In 2022, Legionowo Water Volunteer Rescue Service (LWOPR) used the financial support it received from PZU to purchase diving equipment, clothing for rescuers for work in water and winter conditions, tools for repairing and maintaining rescue equipment and small rescue equipment. In previous years, from the prevention fund as well, LWOPR purchased a rescue boat equipped with the necessary water rescue equipment, as well as sonar for searching for people under the surface of the water. It is planning to modernize and expand the video surveillance network in the Zegrze Lake area, with particular focus on the spots customarily used for bathing, but so far not covered by video surveillance and guard supervision. From the prevention fund, the 2022 unit of the Mazury Volunteer Rescue Service purchased and replaced the air tubes in two hybrid RIB-type rescue boats, thereby restoring them to full working order. CPR teaching phantoms with computer software were also purchased. They will raise the level of training of MOPR rescuers and be used to teach first aid to schoolchildren. A year earlier, the unit was equipped with the basic equipment necessary for rescue operations: neoprene foams, dry and wet suits, portable radios, signal and sound tubes and GPS.
Alike in mountain safety education, the PZU Foundation is a partner of a nationwide information and education campaign of the Police (the Prevention Department of the General Police Headquarters) devoted to safety of persons in the water or by the water, entitled “Kręci mnie bezpieczeństwo nad wodą” (Turn On Safety By/On The Water). The scope of the 2021 edition has been extended to include activities covering safety in the mountains. The campaign was directly addressed to children, youth, adults and seniors, and its indirect addressees included managers of bathing beaches and entities from the water recreation industry (including water sports equipment rental outlets, holiday hotel facilities, and tourism and recreation companies, etc.). During debates, meetings at schools and picnics, the participants received information and educational materials, as well as 209,000 gadgets provided by the PZU Foundation.
PZU also supports voluntary fire brigade units by subsidizing the purchase of specialized equipment and protective clothing. Voluntary fire brigade units are active even in the smallest towns, and volunteer firefighters are most often the first to help those in need. They put out fires, rescue victims of traffic accidents, provide assistance during floods, storms and other natural disasters.
PZU is the first insurer in the world to have an Insurance Museum. The Museum’s collection includes documents related to the beginning of insurance in the Polish lands. In an effort to preserve the collection in the best possible condition, selected objects were digitalized. As a result, the exhibits are safely stored in optimal storage facilities, and their digital representations can be made available on websites.
Cooperation with corporate clients
PZU Group conducts numerous prevention activities addressed to corporate clients.
It is a preventive training program of PZU. It gives the participating drivers an opportunity to improve their driving skills, eliminate bad habits behind the wheel and refresh their knowledge of road and traffic safety rules. Drivers can train on a sliding track, take lessons in defensive driving with elements of eco-driving in urban traffic, and in e-mobility. They can also take part in meeting with experts in transport psychology, first aid and traffic regulations.
It is a technologically innovative prevention program, which enables vehicle fleets to lower claims frequency and value. AUDAX uses, among others, telemetry and tools such as registers of road trips and road events, ultrasounds to scare off animals, or parking sensors and reversing cameras
It is a prevention program addressed to large enterprises from industries, in which the risk of a loss is high due to the scale of their business and specialized production processes. The solution, based on the Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 technologies, monitors the level of security in the company’s operational areas that are of key significance from the risk perspective, such as production, logistics and machinery. The program also supports clients in the conduct of educational activities aimed at raising awareness of their workforce, which is a matter of enormous significance for minimizing the risk of damage. As part of the program’s implementation, 76 implementations of Risk PRO have been made at 58 PZU SA clients between 2019 and 2022.
PZU LAB in collaboration with the Main School of Fire Service continued in 2022 a training course entitled the Pyramid of Competences, devoted to issues related to the safety and risk management in enterprises. 2022 trainings were held in March, May and October and included topics such as fire safety of production and storage buildings and public utilities, types of fire protection and their role, audits for insurance purposes, analysis of hazards in facilities: theaters, museums, archives, cinemas, offices, high-rise buildings or „Lessons from History” on the example of fire damage.
In March 2022, the Conference Center of the World War II Museum in Gdańsk hosted the next edition of the conference Maritime Industry Safety Forum organized by PZU LAB with the Pomeranian Special Economic Zone, the Gdańsk Science and Technology Park, the Polish Innovation Zone and PZU and PZUW. The issues discussed during the conference were divided into 4 thematic blocks on safety of offshore wind farms, energy storage, technological innovation at sea and smart port.
PZU LAB has joined the CBOiNT Program, of which it has been an Executive Partner since November 2022. The signatories of the Program are: The Institute of Fluid-Flow Machinery of the Polish Academy of Sciences (KEZO Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences), the EKO- PARK Research Center, the Polish Automotive Electrification Program (PPEM) and the CFBT.PL Fire Service Foundation, as well as the SITP Association of Fire Service Engineers and Technicians. The purpose of CBOiNT is to implement and monitor standards and good execution practices affecting the increase in the level of safety, including energy and fire safety in public and commercial spaces, among other things, by researching and developing methods of fire protection for RES installations and energy storage facilities, recommending technologies and good execution practices, preparing and developing recommendations and recommendations for departments of architecture, construction supervision and appraisers as to fire protection principles of fire safety. preparing recommendations on good execution practices and fire safety for companies and installation units, preparing and developing recommendations on fire extinguishing and fire safety techniques and methods for Fire Brigade units.
The Gdańsk-based start-up THR System, which was selected for the Poland Prize program by PZU LAB together with Blue Dot Solutions, which runs the program in cooperation with the Polish Agency for Enterprise Development, is already in the final stage of acceleration and has created a working prototype, ready for the first demonstrations and tests in the target operating environment – industry. On 30 September 2022 PZU LAB, together with BDS, received the prototype device that the startup worked on in the program. The solution proposed by THR System has been developed using the most modern technologies available, which are in line with Industry 4.0 and IoT. The prepared prototype is an advanced device in the form of a mobile station (proTHectoR) for monitoring fire-hazardous work and a dedicated operator and supervisor application (ThermoView). This is a globally innovative solution that will significantly streamline and automate the process of conducting fire-hazardous work commonly performed in many enterprises. The system can be used on a mobile or stationary basis for monitoring, alerting and warning. Due to its form, the system and its accompanying devices will also work well in other applications such as monitoring charging stations, monitoring and controlling workstations that use thermal processing, monitoring server rooms, etc.

Prevention in the area of health
For years, PZU has been involved in organizing health prevention campaigns as part of its prevention activities. In addition to nationwide campaigns, PZU also conducts campaigns at workplaces. Health Zones organized at PZU clients offer examinations and preventive advice and promote a healthy lifestyle. The goal is to convince as many people as possible to take care of their health, get preventive examinations and medical consultations with specialists, and encourage employees to get regular checkups.
In 2022, as part of its preventive health care efforts, PZU, in cooperation with Dutch startup SkinVision, launched a nationwide „Minute for Skin” prevention program. The program is a response to the increasing incidence of the most dangerous type of skin cancer – melanoma. The program aims to detect skin cancer early using an innovative, medically certified, artificial intelligence-based application. The application was made available at workplaces as part of PZU’s prevention program.