PZU has been carrying out client satisfaction surveys for many years. Each year, it broadens their scope, deploys new methods and improves the reporting process, thanks to which it is able to better respond to the clients’ needs.
The results of client satisfaction surveys are distributed to all business units responsible for customer service at a given stage. They allow it to, on an ongoing basis:
- identify the sources of client dissatisfaction;
- compare the level of client satisfaction across products or areas;
- take action in case of declines in client satisfaction;
- introduce remedies in the customer service process.
PZU reports key client experience indicators, such as:
- • Customer Satisfaction Score (CSS);
- Net Promoter Score (NPS).
Best practices of PZU and PZU Życie
Customer satisfaction indicators embedded in employees goals
Client satisfaction indicators are included in the goals prescribed for the employees at various levels. These indicators are directly connected with the employees’ responsibilities and have a real impact on these responsibilities through the quality of work.
Surveys and interviews
- PZU has deployed a permanent benchmark audit to compare the satisfaction of PZU clients with the satisfaction of clients of insurance industry competitors.
- In a quarter, PZU carries out more than 50 thousand client interviews. Meetings with business units responsible for the product and the service process are held on a regular basis – to present the audit results and discuss the areas that need improvement.
- In 2022, the post-anniversary letter satisfaction survey was extended, with every client receiving an anniversary letter from PZU now being subject to a satisfaction survey

Net Promoter Score (NPS)
The indicator is standardized and applied all over the world. It allows comparing and verifying the condition of the brand with respect to competitors over time. Clients are asked how willing they are to recommend the brand to their family and friends. The response is selected from a scale of zero to ten, where zero is “definitely would not” and ten is “definitely would”. The clients selecting values from zero to six are highly unlikely to recommend the services, seven to eight are neutral, whereas those willing to recommend choose between nine and ten. The score is the difference between the share of critics (zero to six) and promoters (nine to ten).
At PZU, clients are asked how willing they are to recommend brands after they take out insurance and after they avail themselves of insurance (e.g., payment of benefits, handling of claims, use of assistance, medical visit).
Net Promoter Score (NPS) – loyalty indicator for PZU SA/ PZU Życie clients | 2021 | 2022 |
After insurance is purchased | 31 | 44 |
After insurance is availed of | 25 | 25 |
Professional service and sales handling indicator (PRO)
The customer service standards in the PZU sales networks among tied agents, field agents, life agents of the Agency Sales Department and multiagents, as well as in branches and office agencies are permanently verified by Mystery Shopping audits.
These audits are an important operating tool for the departments that are managing the sales networks, and allow them to monitor the quality and standards of services offered to clients by sellers.
Thanks to quarterly Mystery Shopping audits, a systemic problem that may occur in a particular area of the agent’s or the center’s operations can be diagnosed and then rectified with appropriate communication and training.
Audits are carried out on-site within all channels except for field agents without an office, where service is provided remotely
Mystery Shopping audits in branches and office agencies were carried out on-site in 2022, with the exception of the first quarter, when audits were suspended due to the pandemic. In 2018, the audits were bolstered through the implementation of the professional service and sales handling indicator (PRO) which simplified the Mystery Shopping measurement method in PZU branches.
PRO indicator | 2021 | 2022 |
Average value annually | 95.9 | 96.7 |
Satisfaction surveys - subsidiaries
Examines the level of client satisfaction on an on-going basis, focusing on customer service and the processes in operation Clients receive survey forms in which they can assess the purchase process, aftersales service, loss adjustment and provide their comments. We use the information received to continuously improve the quality of service and to streamline processes.
Monitors the level of client satisfaction on a continuous basis. A general tendency to recommend its services, as well as client satisfaction with individual products and service channels, such as branches, the hotline or mobile banking, are also examined.
Clients’ assessments and opinions are analyzed on an ongoing basis and transferred to persons responsible for a given service area. Both survey conducting and distribution methods are constantly developed to improve the quality of information obtained through them, which is subsequently used as a basis for making recommendations and improvements. Results are analyzed with the ongoing support of analytical dashboards allowing far-reaching automated processing of information obtained for clients, ensuring a faster and more approachable presentation of results.
In addition to surveys carried out on a permanent basis, the bank conducts a number of new surveys each year, in response to the emerging needs to listen to clients’ opinions e.g. in connection with the launching of new processes or functionalities. A relational NPS survey carried out in the bank in the fourth quarter of 2022, with a 37 score, confirmed that 2022 was another year in which the client satisfaction improved (the score for the previous year was 36).
The bank also conducted e-NPS among its employees to check satisfaction with the quality of cooperation inside the organization. The thus collected opinions enable it to better adapt the operation of its units to the reported needs.
In 2022, Bank Pekao updated the guidelines for applying the highest retail customer service standards, including for people with special disability-related needs. The guidelines were enhanced with new Bank values: #prosto, #razem, #odważnie, #odpowiedzialnie. (#simple, #together, #brave, #responsible). The updated accounted for changing market conditions, regulations and client expectations. Bank Pekao was also involved in intense efforts to improve business customer journeys, resulting in going two places up in the Forbes ranking (from 5th in 2021 to 3rd in 2022). The bank also made its way up in the Golden Banker ranking.
Bank Pekao strives to provide valid information on the quality of its services. Because of this, it is carrying out a client satisfaction survey on an ongoing manner. In 2022, within the framework of client satisfaction surveys, Bank Pekao conducted interviews with clients who availed themselves of the Bank’s service at their departments and remote channels. Additionally, consultants interviewed premium clients, businesses, SMEs and corporations within the relationship audit. Apart from the quantitative study, we carried out qualitative studies concerning customer service processes which were material business-wise in various segments.
Banks and subsidiaries are subject to the Bank Pekao S.A. Group Policy on countering anti-competitive practices and practices violating the collective consumer interests. The policy sets out the principles for Bank employees to work in line with provisions on anti-trust and unfair market practices, and the chief duties of the Bank’s organizational units in this respect. In 2022, the Bank did not pay any penalties for collective consumer rights violations or free competition. Furthermore, the Code of Conductor of Grupa Pekao clearly forbids practices which violate collective consumer rights.