Other liabilities | 31 December 2022 | 31 December 2021 |
Liabilities measured at fair value | 1 418 | 1 333 |
Liabilities on borrowed securities (short sale) | 875 | 686 |
Investment contracts for the client’s account and risk (unit-linked) | 238 | 267 |
Liabilities to members of consolidated mutual funds | 305 | 380 |
Accrued expenses | 2 729 | 2 230 |
Accrued expenses of agency commissions | 396 | 381 |
Accrued payroll expenses | 726 | 750 |
Accrued reinsurance expenses | 1 075 | 725 |
Other | 532 | 374 |
Deferred revenue | 615 | 502 |
Other liabilities | 12 416 | 9 138 |
Liabilities on account of repurchase transactions | 931 | 1 207 |
Lease liabilities | 1 296 | 992 |
Liabilities due under transactions on financial instruments | 2 283 | 1 338 |
Liabilities to banks for payment documents cleared in interbank clearing systems | 2 331 | 1 251 |
Liabilities on direct insurance | 1 020 | 955 |
Liabilities on account of payment card settlements | 923 | 404 |
Regulatory settlements | 573 | 275 |
Liabilities for contributions to the Bank Guarantee Fund | 738 | 629 |
Reinsurance liabilities | 252 | 228 |
Estimated non-insurance liabilities | 162 | 159 |
Liabilities to employees | 116 | 101 |
Estimated refunds of compensation in connection with banks’ clients lapsing or withdrawing from insurance purchased during the sale of credit products | 27 | 18 |
Trade liabilities | 486 | 652 |
Current income tax liabilities | 328 | 147 1) |
Liabilities on account of employee leaves | 162 | 165 |
Liabilities to the state budget other than for income tax | 153 | 68 |
Liabilities on account of donations | 13 | 17 |
The PZU Group banks’ liabilities for insurance of bank products offered to the bank’s clients | 14 | 28 |
Insurance Guarantee Fund | 14 | 13 |
Liability for the refund of loan costs | 132 | 96 |
Liabilities for direct claims handling | 32 | 36 |
Other | 430 | 359 |
Other liabilities, total | 17 178 | 13 203 |
1) This includes PLN 72 million in tax liability in Sweden. Additional information on this issue is presented in item 59.4.
As at 31 December 2022 and 31 December 2021, the fair value of other liabilities did not differ significantly from their carrying amount, primarily due to the fact that more than 90% were short-term liabilities.
Other liabilities by maturity | 31 December 2022 | 31 December 2021 |
Up to 1 year | 14 888 | 11 858 |
1 to 5 years | 1 878 | 795 |
Over 5 years | 412 | 550 |
Total other liabilities by maturity | 17 178 | 13 203 |