Energy consumption rose by 2.9% in 2022 in the PZU Group’s major companies, i.e. PZU and PZU Życie. The total consumption of energy purchased and produced, representing 52% of total energy consumption increased by 0.8%. The reason was mainly the return to stationary work after the pandemic and the resulting higher use of real estate by Group companies. Higher employee attendance at central offices translated into higher energy consumption.
Fuel consumption increased by 5.3% year-on-year, this was particularly evident in gasoline consumption. The changes are due to changes in the fleet structure – the share of gasoline cars and hybrid cars grew at the expense of diesel cars.
PZU and PZU Życie’s total consumption of energy from non-renewable fuels
PZU | PZU Życie | |||
2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | |
Natural gas [GJ]* | 24,083 | 23,212 | 11,089 | 10,627 |
Fuel oil [GJ]** | 2,173 | 1,312 | 419 | 425 |
Gasoline [GJ]*** | 58,297 | 65,127 | 19,617 | 21,762 |
Diesel fuel [GJ]**** | 1,281 | 716 | 28 | 6 |
Total consumption [GJ] | 85,834 | 90,367 | 31,153 | 32,821 |
** Calorific value of natural gas at 43 MJ/kg in 2022 and 2021
*** Calorific value of natural gas at 44,3 MJ/kg in 2022 and 2021
**** Calorific value of natural gas at 43 MJ/kg in 2022 and 2021
Total consumption of energy purchased and produced at PZU and PZU Życie
PZU | PZU Życie | |||
2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | |
Electricity [GJ] | 47,994 | 46,346 | 14,758 | 15,515 |
– including energy from renewable sources | 39,729 | 39,472 | 9,364 | 10,519 |
– share of electricity (%) | 83% | 85% | 63% | 68% |
– including energy from non-renewable sources | 8,265 | 6,874 | 5,394 | 4,995 |
Heat energy [GJ] | 50,706 | 48,491 | 19,738 | 18,727 |
Total consumption [GJ] | 98,700 | 94,837 | 34,496 | 34,242 |
Total consumption of energy from non-renewable fuels as well as purchased and produced at PZU and PZU Życie
PZU | PZU Życie | |||
2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | |
Total energy consumption [GJ] | 184,534 | 185,203 | 65,649 | 67,062 |
Electricity from renewable sources
In 2022, 85% of the electricity contracted and purchased by PZU and 68% of the electricity purchased by PZU Życie came from renewable sources (RES9 ). In locations covered by direct contracts with energy companies, 100% of the purchased electricity originated from renewable sources.
Additionally, in 2022, in 7 properties PZU and PZU Życie installed photovoltaic panels – their total power was 121.54 kWp10.
The use of electricity from RES, in addition to the economic aspect, has an important impact on climate protection through reduction of CO2 and other greenhouse gas emissions. It leads to reduction of scope 2 emissions through reducing the demand for energy and, as a consequence, reduction of the use of fossil fuels for production of energy from high-emission sources.
The cost savings regarding the electricity consumed for 36 properties in which photovoltaic panels were installed are in the range of 21%.
Thanks to the purchase of electricity with certificates of origin by PZU and PZU Życie, its share in total energy consumption (energy purchased, produced and energy from fuels) by these companies amounted to 21% and 15%, respectively. In the years to come, further use of RES and increase in the share of green energy, subject to its availability in the market, is planned.
In 2022, consumption of energy, both produced and purchased, decreased by 9.9% in the entire PZU Group. The main drivers of the change in consumption were decreases in heat energy (-29.5% y/y), natural gas (-5.9% y/y), and LPG (-26.7% y/y), while the key contributor to the increases was increased gasoline consumption. Fleet utilization was on the rise in 2022, as this year was the first year after the pandemic where employees fully performed their duties using company cars, resulting in an increase in purchased and fuel-derived energy consumption.
On the other hand, the companies continued to focus on optimizing and reducing their consumption of fuel, electricity and thermal energy. The decrease in raw material consumption is due to fewer facilities, building thermal upgrades, changes in heating methods and weather conditions, among other factors. Due to higher temperatures in 2022, building temperatures have been reduced, resulting in lower heat use in buildings. The conversion of fuels into energy for all Group companies is based on the calorific values published by KOBIZE (National Centre for Emissions Management).
RES – total resources used for production of electricity and heat whose long-term use does not cause a significant deficit or which are renewed over a short time. These sources include: wind power, solar radiation power, geothermal power, hydropower, wave power, tidal power, salt gradient and flow power, power obtained from biomass, biogas and biofuels
kWp – defines the efficiency that can be achieved by photovoltaic panels if they work in standard measurement conditions – how much electricity (1 kWh) the given panel or the whole photovoltaic installation is able to produce.
ESG Strategy indicator: Reduction in electricity consumption of PZU and PZU Życie from 3% to 10% by 2024 relative to 2019
PLevel of implementation 2022: Reduction in electricity consumption of PZU and PZU Życie by 15.8% compared to 2019
The share of renewable sources in total energy consumption at PZU and PZU Życie
Total consumption of energy from non-renewable fuels in the PZU Group
2021 | 2022 | |
Natural gas [GJ] | 172,811 | 162,599 |
Fuel oil [GJ] | 16,304 | 11,950 |
Gasoline [GJ] | 172,764 | 193,899 |
Diesel fuel [GJ] | 16,119 | 14,118 |
LPG [GJ]1) | 3,964 | 13,712 |
Total consumption [GJ] | 381,9632) | 396,276 |
2) Value adjusted compared to the one reported in the previous year, now considers LPG energy consumption
Total consumption of purchased and produced energy in the PZU Group
2021 | 2022 | |
Electricity [GJ] | 415,719 | 421,492 |
Heat energy [GJ] | 502,710 | 354,318 |
Total consumption [GJ] | 918,429 | 775,810 |
Total consumption of energy from non-renewable fuels and purchased and produced energy at the PZU Group
2020 | 2021 | |
Total energy consumption [GJ] | 1,300,3921) | 1,172,086 |

Energy consumption limitation – new central branch of PZU and PZU Życie
The building in the center of Warsaw is powered by green energy, which allows for a significant reduction in CO2 emissions. The building uses environmentally friendly technologies, such as a grey water and rainwater recovery system that allows for a significant reduction in water intake. In addition, PZU Park has, among others, a ventilation system with high-end filters that provides 30% more fresh air. Adiabatic humidifiers unsure its proper humidity. Appropriate filters minimize the risk of allergies. The building’s water is tested for about 30 chemical compounds. Employees have access to adequate daylight. Employees are provided with 187 bicycle spaces and several charging stations for electric cars. Air conditioning based on a chilled beam system is quiet and guarantees comfortable temperatures and energy efficiency. Issues of employee well-being are also very important in WELL certification. Subdued colors, natural materials used for furnishings, a green terrace on the 35th floor or pergolas overgrown with vegetation facilitate concentration and stimulate creativity. The lobby of the office building features a 15-meter-long, 330-square-meter green wall with more than six thousand plants. The oxygen they produce in a day would be enough for 150 people.
Alior Bank is finalizing an agreement for the construction of a photovoltaic installation at the IT central office in Kraków. It is planned to build two installations of 96.9 kWp based on the CARPORT structure using parking spaces. In the next stage, it is planned to expand the installation by 100.35 kWp using the green areas and the remaining parking spaces based on the standard and CARPORT ground structure. The photovoltaic installation will allow partial use of renewable energy sources in the operation of the central.
Best practices of PZU and PZU Życie
Energy consumption limitation – real property of PZU and PZU Życie
In 2022, the PZU and PZU Życie Real Estate Department continued its endeavors focused on reducing the consumption of heat and electricity, the emissions of gases in real properties owned or used by PZU and PZU Życie. Completed activities:
- thermal modernization of 5 PZU and PZU Życie properties was carried out;
- power compensators were installed in 1 property;
- applications were submitted to Distribution Network Operators to reduce contracted power in 64 points of electricity consumption;
- the contracted power in 13 property was reduced;
- internal LED lighting was installed in 85 properties;
- 4 image walls with LED lighting were installed;
- the heating installation or heating source in 2 properties was modernized or modified;
- 9 depleted heating boilers were replaced with modern and highly efficient devices, which conserve electricity and heat, offer an option to adjust their operation to weather conditions (through weather controllers) and reduce emission of gases to the atmosphere;
- 60 air conditioning devices using the environmentally friendly refrigerant R32 were installed.
- 80 air-conditioning units with an energy efficiency EER of at least 3.2, including 35 with a seasonal energy efficiency SEER of at least 6.9 were installed;
- the air-conditioning system in Leszno was upgraded to a more efficient one and retrofitted a central controller to optimize its operation;
- training was provided to air-conditioning users of the new equipment on the proper use and optimum utilization of the systems;
- 7 photovoltaic installations with the total capacity of 121,54 kWp was installed.
In 2022, Bank Pekao continued to implement environment-friendly solutions, with special focus on those which limit electricity consumption and reduce the negative impact on the environment.
These include primarily:
- implementation of the energy-saving LED lighting technology;
- optimization of energy consumption (reduction of the socalled contracted power);
- replacement of obsolete UPS devices with new ones with higher maximum efficiency;
- liquidation of redundant back-up power supply;
- installation of air conditioning systems with improved indicators, with special focus on solutions in the highest energy efficiency classes;
- replacement of air conditioning systems using refrigerants that have adverse impact on the environment with devices using a mix of environment-friendly gases;
- analyses leading to installation of devices compensating the reactive power (leading to elimination of unnecessary energy expenditures);
- switching electronic devices in the evening to standby mode.
In comprehensive modernizations of its properties the Bank uses modern solutions, e.g. energy-saving LED lighting systems or faucet aerators, leading to reduction of water consumption.
Company cars in the Bank Pekao’s fleet are gradually replaced with models that emit less exhaust gases. In 2022, the bank replaced its entire fleet with new cars with the Euro 6DG emission standard and purchased its first electric and hybrid cars. In addition to the introduction of 1,020 new low-emission cars with convenient consumption configurations, the Bank also purchased 4 new electric cars and 50 electric cars. This is the result of ongoing conceptual work on the possibility of replacing conventionally powered (combustion) cars with electric cars.
Armatura Kraków obtained white certificates from the Regulatory Authority, which are confirmation of upgrades to improve energy efficiency and result in energy savings. The value of the Energy Efficiency Certificate obtained is: 705.641 toe, i.e. 29 544 GJ per year. The project was completed in October 2020, with the resulting benefits becoming fully visible in 2021, and will have a positive environmental impact for years to come, at least until 2026. This will translate into CO2e emission reductions by 1.6 thousand tons CO2 going forward.
A new casting machine was put into operation at the beginning of 2022, and the continuous overhaul and modernization of existing machinery, associated with the replacement of the drive and automation, is improving production rates and further energy efficiency. The upgraded machine consumes about 30 kWh less per hour, which has generated and will continue to generate annual savings of about 230,400 kWh. As part of increasing the share of energy from renewable sources, an important element in the use of energy from RES is the construction of a photovoltaic farm with a capacity of nearly 1,800,000 Wp, which is scheduled to be put into operation in 2023. This will allow it to obtain energy from renewable sources and reduce its carbon footprint.