Reputation risk and compliance risk in connection with direct environmental impact.
The PZU Group monitors the consumption of resources (energy, fuel, water, paper) and takes efforts to curtail their consumption. Measurements of greenhouse gases that were launched in 2020 indicate that one of the most important sources thereof in PZU is electricity. That is why one of the commitments in the ESG Strategy is achieving climate neutrality in our own business by 2024. PZU is implementing the commitment to buy the bulk of its energy from renewable sources, curtail other emissions and whenever that is not possible offset them.
At PZU, the Management Board Environmental Protection Plenipotentiary is responsible for reduction of the direct environmental footprint of the PZU Group and ensuring compliance with prevailing provisions of law.
PZU Group’s Environmental Policy, PZU Green Standard, ESG Strategy “Balanced Growth”.
Environmental Policy
The key document regarding environmental impact is the PZU Group’s Environmental Policy adopted in 2021 which provides for the framework of management over the impact that the Companies’ operations have on the natural environment. The aim of the Environmental Policy in the PZU Group is to manage the environmental footprint of its activity effectively by minimization of the direct impact on the environment and climate and minimization of the indirect impact on the environment and climate in connection with the offered products and services. The document provides for relations with internal and external stakeholders, including clients, business partners and suppliers. The policy was created taking into account the assumptions of key documents, including: Paris Agreement, National Energy and Climate Plan 2021-2030 and Energy Policy of Poland until 2040. The implementation of the Policy is monitored in accordance with the reporting principles of the ESG Strategy „Balanced Growth.” The Policy was adopted under relevant resolutions by the Management Boards of the PZU Group companies.
PZU Green Standard
Additionally, the PZU Group’s “Green PZU” standard has been in operation in the organization since 2018. It was rolled out to ensure legal and more complete care for reducing the adverse environmental impact in direct business. The PZU Group’s environmental standard defines the key assumptions pertaining to its governance approach to environmental issues.
This document refers to the principles of sustainable development, adhering to the level of environmental protection, applying the principle of prudence and prediction of the possible adverse impacts of actions and partnership – the requirement for all PZU Group entities to take joint environmental protection actions.
Implementing suitable procedures and governance systems allows the PZU Group to meet all the environmental formal and legal requirements. The specially appointed Management Board Environmental Protection Plenipotentiary looks after consistency in environmental protection management in the PZU Group.
Also all of the international insurance companies have implemented the PZU Group’s “Green PZU” standard, thereby taking into consideration the public interests and aspects related to environmental protection in their action strategies. They also have formalized environmental protection policies describing environmental protection principles and defining the framework within which each one of the companies is required to adhere to these principles and thus achieve the intended objectives. They have also rolled out their policy pertaining to the PZU Group’s sustainable development.

ISO 14001 Standard
The Lietuvos Draudimas company implemented the certified ISO 14001 Environment Management System. The system was also introduced in medical centers of the PZU Zdrowie POLMEDIC Radom branch. Additionally, selected subsidiaries and branches of PZU Zdrowie implemented and certified their Quality Governance System ISO 9001:2015. They also have in place a waste management procedure which defines, in particular, the rules for dealing with hazardous medical waste in all medical centers.
Armatura Kraków has adopted a comprehensive “Quality Policy” which covers, among other issues, the principles for reducing the company’s adverse environmental impact. KFA’s Strategy in 2021-2025 includes environmental objectives. Activities supporting their execution include, among others, investments in a photovoltaic farm and implementing innovating and ergonomic product solutions, such as already implemented tap with the water filtration function and the launched R&D project co-financed by the European Union from the European Regional Development Fund under Measure 1.1 “R&D projects of enterprises”, Sub-measure 1.1.1 “Industrial research and development work implemented by enterprises” of the Smart Growth Operational Programme 2014-2020. The Project implemented in the framework of the competition held by the National Center for Research and Development 1/1.1.1/2021 POIR Quick Path for developing an innovative and energy-efficient heater.
In addition to the adoption of various documents, the Group also makes efforts to minimize adverse environmental impact in its day-to-day business.
Direct environmental footprint of the Group:
Activities in the administration area aimed at reducing adverse environmental impact:
- curtailing the consumption of office supplies,
- reducing the volume of hard-copy documentation;
- recycling of used assets;
- collaboration in the area of asset disposal with companies that have adopted the highest environmental protection standards;
- environmentally friendly activities in the car fleet management policy;
- conducting rational waste management;
- running educational campaigns among employees in terms of pro-environmental behaviors.
The program is a form of an environmental management system providing for the regular deployment of environmentally friendly solutions to the PZU Group’s operations.
Penalties for breaches of environmental laws
In 2022, the PZU Group recorded no breaches of any environmental laws or regulations and incurred no environmental penalties.