The objective of the PZU Group’s risk management system is to ensure early identification and adequate management of material risks associated with the activities of the PZU Group and its individual entities.
Risk management is one of the key internal processes in the PZU Group. The risk management system in place in PZU is based on three lines of defense. Its framework reflects the standards prevailing in the insurance sector and the guidelines laid down in regulatory regulations.
The non-financial risk management processes are part of a broader risk management process in the Group. Non-financial risks were also identified at the stage of development of the ESG Strategy entitled “Balanced Growth”. They were addressed in strategic commitments, key performance indicators and strategic initiatives. Moreover, selected non-financial risks are taken into account in the investment decision-making process and in selected corporate client risk assessment processes, which enable the insurer to evaluate the premium.
Chart of the organizational structure for the risk management system
The risk management system in the PZU Group
PZU exercises supervision over the PZU Group’s risk management system by the power of cooperation agreements entered into with other Group entities and the information provided thereunder. It manages risk at the PZU Group level on an aggregate basis, especially in terms of capital requirements. The cooperation agreements signed with the PZU Group subsidiaries enable the collection and processing of information necessary for appropriate and effective management of risk at the PZU Group level. They also guarantee that the various risks generated by the individual PZU Group entities are assessed and are based on the same standards, taking into account the requirements and restrictions arising from the applicable law. The main elements of the PZU Group’s risk management system have been implemented to ensure sectoral consistency and the execution of the various entities’ strategic plans and the overall PZU Group’s business objectives.
The Risk Management Strategy in the PZU Group is the basis of operation of the risk management system in the PZU Group.
The Group has introduced risk management rules for the affiliates identified in the strategy. The rules constitute a recommendation issued by PZU regarding the organization of the risk management system in subsidiaries. Additionally, guidelines regulating the various risk management processes in the PZU Group entities are also issued from time to time. The management boards of PZU Group companies from the financial sector are responsible for fulfilling their own duties in accordance with the generally applicable provisions of national and international law. In particular, they are responsible for the implementation of an adequate and effective risk management system.
Subsidiaries from outside of the financial sector introduce the risk management rules including the allocation of roles and responsibilities and the catalog of risks associated with the relevant activity. The determination of the appropriate level of risk in each company is the management board’s responsibility, whereas a review of the risk management system, especially the risk appetite level, is conducted once a year by the unit responsible for risk, with all actions being coordinated at the PZU Group level.
Internal Control System
Effective risk management is supported by the Internal Control System implemented in PZU, which offers solutions for three levels of defense:
Entails ongoing risk management at the entities’ business unit and organizational unit level and decision-making as part of the risk management process, taking into account the limits for individual risks;
Risk management by specialized units responsible for risk identification, measurement, monitoring and reporting, as well as for limits control;
Internal audit which conducts independent audits of the individual elements of the risk management system, as well as of control procedures.
Risk appetite
Risk appetite is defined in the Risk management Strategy based on the values as the minimum value of the PZU Group’s solvency ratio on a consolidated basis and PZU on a standalone basis.
In addition, PZU as the leading entity in the PZU Financial Conglomerate manages risk concentration at the level of the overall conglomerate. The leading entity has established the risk concentration management standards, in particular through introduction of rules for identification, measurement and assessment, monitoring and reporting of significant risk concentration and making managerial decisions.
Once a year, the internal audit unit prepares an annual activity report, which includes, in particular, an evaluation of the internal control system and the risk management system. The procedure for preparing the report and its scope are governed by separate internal regulations. For the purposes of report, the risk unit prepares information as to the adequacy and effectiveness of the risk management system.
As part of its activities PZU classifies the following risks to which the PZU Group is exposed as material: actuarial risk, risk of models, compliance risk, credit risk, concentration risk and market risk (including liquidity risk).
* According to the European Commission guidance for non-financial reporting, transition risks refer to the transition of the economy to a low-carbon and climate-resilient future. Physical risk on the other hand entails financial losses stemming from the physical consequences of climate change and encompasses acute (e.g. storms, fires) and long-term risk (rising sea level).
The management process for managing various risk categories comprises requirements of sustainable development, and the same applies at the level of each PZU Group subsidiary, in compliance with prevailing provisions of law and individually defined PZU Group internal policies, including the ESG Strategy which constitutes an integral part of the PZU Group Strategy.
Risk categories in the PZU Group
The risk management process consists of the following stages:
Risk management – subsidiaries
Risk management responsibility, including the climate impact risk
The consistent split of powers and tasks in the PZU Group and in its various financial sector subsidiaries covers four decision-making levels: Supervisory Board, Management Board, Committees and various operating units within the three lines of defense.
- Supervision over the risk management systems in the various financial sector entities is exercised by supervisory boards. PZU designates its representatives to the supervisory boards of its subsidiaries, including in particular the Alior Bank Group and the Pekao Group.
- The management boards of PZU Group entities are responsible for executing their own duties in accordance with the generally applicable provisions of national and international law. In particular, they are responsible for implementation of an adequate and effective risk management system. The Management Board organizes the risk management system and ensures that it is operational by adopting strategies and policies, setting the level of risk appetite, defining the risk profile as well as tolerance levels for the individual categories of risk.
- Committees decide about limiting the levels of individual risks to fit the risk appetite framework they have defined, adopt procedures and methodologies for mitigating the individual risks and accept the limits for individual risk types. Selected members of the Management Boards sit in the Committees.
- The fourth decision-making level pertains to operational measures in the various business units divided into three lines of defense.
Key non-financial risks
From the perspective of the impact on issues related to social, employee, environmental, human rights and prevention of corruption, compliance risk and operational risk are of special importance.
Non-financial risk management is an integral part of the overall risk management process. Therefore, individual ESG risks are classified into major risk categories. Issues in the social and corporate governance areas are primarily operational and compliance risks. For environmental issues, it’s also business, credit, market and actuarial risks.
PZU’s operational and compliance risk management principles and structure are based on established regulations. Operational risks are controlled on multiple levels in the organization. Risk management is overseen by independent, dedicated units within the Company’s structure – the Risk Department for operational risk and the Compliance Department for compliance risk.

The key tool used to monitor operational risk are the operational risk indicators, covering areas with special exposure to operational risk. They are subject to regular reviews: at least once a year.
Compliance risk is assessed at the Company as part of ongoing management processes and systemic assessment carried out on a semi-annual basis; it is also monitored monthly and quarterly based on selected risk indicators.
Detailed references to these risks are described in the following sections of this report:
Risk | Detailed information |
The risk pertaining to disclosure of personal data and data subject to insurance secrecy to unauthorized persons. | |
The risk of corruption associated with inappropriate implementation in the Group’s structure of anti-corruption procedures, including the lack of protection for whistleblowers. | |
Risk of conflict of interest | |
Risks associated with inadequate design and implementation of solutions in the area of crime prevention and failure to implement them correctly. | |
Reputational risk associated with the identification of PZU’s activities with money laundering and terrorist financing or the risk of using PZU’s activities for money laundering or terrorist financing, compliance risk associated with inadequate implementation of the AML/CFT law into business and operational processes and failure to implement them correctly. | |
Reputational risk associated with the identification of PZU’s activities with violations of compliance with international sanctions, compliance risk associated with inadequate implementation of Polish, EU and international laws governing the area of international sanctions into business and operational processes and failure to implement them correctly. |
Risk | Detailed information |
Reputational risk and compliance risk in connection with direct environmental impact | |
Climate risks associated with transformation of the insurance portfolio | |
Risks associated with client activities in sectors highly and moderately sensitive to ESG risks |
Risk | Detailed information |
The risk associated with difficulties in recruiting qualified staff pertaining, in particular, to areas characterized by narrow specialization and those where candidates with unique competences are sought. | |
Risk of failure to ensure a safe and healthy work environment. Putting employees at risk of accidents at work. | |
Risk of overrunning the personnel budget, i.e., risk related to the need to hire an employee for an amount higher than budgeted in connection with lack of qualified employees in the labor market. Unbudgeted employee hiring. | |
Risk of misselling, i.e., the risk of dishonest communication with clients regarding the PZU Group’s offers to purchase products that do not meet their needs or do so in a manner that is not suitable to their nature. | |
Compliance risk concerning the generally prevailing laws and guidelines of state authorities and reputational risk. |
Non-financial risk management – policies
The main element of risk management in the PZU Group is detailed regulations, adopted at the level of companies and functional offices. The document governing these issues is the cooperation agreement (as of 21 March 2017) between PZU and the subsidiaries. The starting point for regulations adopted in subsidiaries is the area of competence of the PZU parent company, where the relevant units are responsible for preparing the substantive relevant provisions for policies in subsidiaries.
Under the agreement, regulated were issues in the fields of: procurement, risk management, IT management, internal audit, strategy, projects, marketing and brand management, consulting and legal assistance, security management, human resources management, corporate communication, tax policy, corporate governance, actuarial services, accounting, planning and controlling, compliance, reinsurance, customer experience management, claims and benefits handling, sustainable business development (ESG), tariff-related actuarial services, analysis of insurance evolution and tariffs, sales technologies development, sales and non-motor underwriting of business insurance products.
Listed below are selected regulations in force at PZU, which are key to building a consistent approach within the framework of policies and procedures adopted collectively, in the area of non-financial risk management (within the group of operational and compliance risks).
Regulations | Detailed information |
Security Policy in PZU SA and PZU Życie SA | |
Information Security Procedure of PZU SA and PZU Życie SA | |
Information Security Procedure of PZU SA and PZU Życie SA | |
Anti-Corruption Program in PZU SA and PZU Życie SA | |
Whistleblowing Procedure in PZU SA and PZU Życie | |
Rules for managing conflicts of interest in PZU SA and PZU Życie | |
Rules for acceptance and giving of gifts in PZU SA and PZU Życie SA | |
Security Procedure in counteracting crime in PZU SA and PZU Życie SA | |
Security procedures in the area of counteracting money laundering and terrorism financing in PZU Życie and the PZU Group | |
Rules for the protection of employees and affiliates of PZU Życie performing activities related to the implementation of certain duties in the field of counteracting money laundering and terrorism financing | |
Sanction Policy in PZU SA and Życie SA | |
Whistleblowing Procedure in PZU and PZU Życie |
Regulations | Detailed information |
PZU Group Environmental Policy | |
Security Policy in PZU PZU and PZU Życie | |
PZU Green Standard |
Regulations | Detailed information |
Human resource management policy PZU SA and PZU Życie | |
Procedure for counteracting undesirable behavior in the work environment – mobbing and discrimination – in PZU and PZU Życie | |
Occupational health and safety policy at PZU and PZU Życie | |
Remuneration policy in the PZU Group | |
Financial Planning Procedure in the PZU Group | |
Rules and Regulations of the Company Social Benefit Fund (ZFŚS) | |
Principles concerning the product management system in PZU and PZU Życie | |
Code of Ethics in Advertising | |
Policies for managing effective communication in PZU | |
Client experience management policy in PZU and PZU Życie | |
Human rights policy of the PZU Group |