Corruption risk related to inadequate implementation of anti-corruption procedures within the Group’s structures.
There is zero tolerance for any form of corruption in the PZU Group. Therefore, the Group companies have in place corruption prevention policies and rules for acceptance and giving of gifts. Additionally, PZU and PZU Życie have implemented a Whistleblowing Procedure and an Anti-Corruption Program which serves as the basis for establishing and supporting preventive and educational solutions in the field of counteracting corruption and defines a breakdown of responsibilities to control the risk of corruption
PZU SA and PZU Życie Anti-Corruption Program; PZU SA and PZU Życie Whistleblowing Procedure.
Corruption risk management*
The rules for Group employees to accept and give presents and the rules for registering them have been strictly defined. Gifts and entertainment, of small value only, may be offered or accepted only for the purpose of building business relationships or in connection with showing courtesy in relations with a client or business partner. Under no circumstances can money or its equivalent be offered or received. Giving and receiving gifts cannot be so frequent, excessive or generous as to represent an actual or perceived risk of corruption, or breach local statutory or executive regulations.
* Corruption – it is a direct or indirect demand, acceptance, provision or promise to provide a material benefit or a personal favor in exchange for taking or not taking an action in connection with a function in PZU. Gratification is a form of corruption. It involves making small and unofficial payments or some other types of benefits to procure the accelerated execution of a routine activity, which the party delivering the gratification has the right to receive.
Bribe – a form of corruption that involves giving or receiving a present, loan, fee, award or some other material or personal benefit to or from another person as an incentive for a dishonest or illegal action or breach of trust in the course of the company’s business activity.
Material benefit – this is a material benefit given or received by an employee in connection with his or her position or function in the company net of his or her salary and other benefits due in connection with acting in this function and souvenirs given customarily whose unit value is not subject to personal income tax..
Personal benefit – this is an immaterial benefit augmenting the standing of an employee, his or her loved ones or persons or organizations with whom or with which he or she closely cooperates or cooperated on a professional, business or personal footing
Anti-Corruption Program
PZU and PZU Życie have in place the “AntiCorruption Program in PZU SA and PZU Życie” which lays down the standards of conduct to reduce corruption risk.
The master rules described therein for managing corruption risk form the basis for introducing detailed internal regulations in the various areas of the company’s business. This “Program” aims to uphold the company’s reputation as an honest company in terms of its managerial practices and business activities. The Management Boards of PZU and PZU Życie oversee the execution of this Program. Non-compliance with the provisions of the Program constitutes a breach of employee duties and is subject to the sanctions provided for in the provisions of labor law.
According to the rules prescribed by this Program, companies conduct business in accordance with the law in an honest manner and counteract any and all forms of corruption, which may be linked to their business. In turn, their employees are obligated to act ethically and in compliance with the law in favor and on behalf of PZU and to avoid factors increasing corruption risk. Employees are prohibited from proposing, promising, giving or demanding any material or personal benefits in order to manipulate a pending decision, including the usage of gratification. The “Anti-Corruption Program in PZU and PZU Życie” defines the business areas in which corruption risk is potentially the greatest and specifies symptoms of unethical employee conduct. Mechanisms to identify and monitor corruption risk function in those areas of business that are particularly susceptible to corruption risk.
Anti-Corruption Program – regular risk assessments
Mandatory regular and periodic corruption risk assessments – among other things, corruption risk self-assessment questionnaires conducted among employees, registered notifications of irregularities in specific areas, results of internal inspections and reports of non-governmental organizations dealing with corruption.

Anti-Corruption Program – educational activities for employees
Trainings, publications, consultations are provided. All PZU and PZU Życie employees have been obligated to familiarize themselves with the Anti-Corruption Program and comply with its provisions and submit the pertinent representations in this respect. The training course pertaining to the Anti-Corruption Program is one of the mandatory training courses for all of the employees in these companies. PZU and PZU Życie employees submit declarations in the HR system that they have familiarized themselves with the “Program” and undertake to adhere to it and also that they are aware of the criminal liability for corruption. These actions are supplemented by anti-corruption training and campaigns executed in the corporate communication channels, attracting the employees’ attention to the corruption risk.
Cases of corruption in 2022
At PZU, corruption risk management is built into the Company’s business operations. The organizational arrangements adopted meet the basic needs of the organization. Lines of responsibility for corruption risks remained clearly assigned at every stage of the management process, from identifying corruption risks to mitigating and monitoring them. The organizational arrangements adopted satisfactorily met the basic needs of the organization.
In 2022, all business units of PZU and PZU Życie were analyzed. In 2022, corruption risks did not materialize at a level that threatened PZU’s business in terms of operational and reputational risks.
Cases of corruption – results | PZU | PZU Życie | ||
2021 | 2022 | 2021 | 2022 | |
Dismissal or disciplinary punishment of employees | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Non-renewal of contracts with business partners due to corruption violations | 1 | 0 | 1 | 0 |
Court cases involving corruption practices brought against the reporting organization or its employees during the reported period | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Training on anti-corruption policies and procedures at PZU SA and PZU Życie | |
Management Board | 100% |
Senior staf | 92% |
Others | 94% |
Total | 94% |
Regulations in subsidiaries
In the PZU Group’s subsidiaries, areas of counteracting corruption are regulated under adopted anti-corruption programs and codes of ethics.
Number of confirmed cases of corruption | 2021 | 2022 |
Grupa PZU, w tym: | 5 | 1 |
– PZU | 3 | 0 |
– PZU Życie | 1 | 0 |
Regulations in subsidiaries – banks
In Bank Pekao, in compliance with the guidelines of the “Corruption Prevention Policy in the Bank Pekao S.A. Group”, the “Corruption Prevention Program” has been adopted and includes rules and procedures regarding cooperation with intermediaries, the provision of gifts and entertainment activities, the recruitment process, cooperation with contractors, donations and sponsorship (including donations to political parties), mergers and acquisitions, significant investments and the bank’s participation in public procurement procedures. The program also includes training and information courses for employees devoted to counteracting corruption and ensuring safe and easily accessible communication channels through which bank employees or other persons may confidentially report corruption attempts or activities bearing the characteristics of corrupt practices.
In the area of counteracting corruption, Pekao Group companies follow the Code of Conduct and the same principles as those adhered to by Bank Pekao. The vast majority of companies have appropriate anti-corruption regulations in place, in line with the size and specific nature of their business. Some companies have established specialized coordinating positions or teams in charge of anti-corruption duties.
Alior Bank has implemented control mechanisms to identify the areas most exposed to corruption risk. Strictly regulated rules and conditions have been adopted for the ethical giving and acceptance of gifts or benefits, which are laid down in the bank’s internal regulations. The bank’s gift policy permits accepting and giving gifts solely for purposes of building good business relations or as a token of courtesy in relations with counterparties. Employees may only accept gifts that are permitted, in compliance with the guidelines described in the bank’s Manual on Managing Conflicts of Interest. Any breach of the rules in this area constitutes grounds for the enforcement of formal consequences and, in special cases, for notifying pertinent law enforcement authorities.