PZU’s corporate governance is a set of fundamental principles, practices and processes on the management of and control over the Company's operations. It lays out the rules for the operation of and co-operation between statutory bodies, and shapes their relationship with shareholders, clients and other stakeholders.
High standards in this respect are important for the efficient functioning of all business processes, to ensure long-term and predictable financial stability. From the PZU Group’s perspective, corporate governance also involves shared market responsibility to establish and raise applicable standards of conduct and management.
Corporate governance rules applied at PZU arise from the provisions of the law (in particular the Code of Commercial Companies and Partnerships, the Insurance and Reinsurance Activity Act, and the regulations governing the capital market), as well as the rules set forth especially in the documents specified below:

PZU complies with the rules laid out in “Best Practices of WSEListed Companies” since its shares were listed for trading on the regulated market. The document entitled “Best Practices of WSE-Listed Companies 2021” adopted by the Supervisory Board of the Warsaw Stock Exchange (WSE) on 29 March 2021 has been in effect since 1 July 2021. It is a collection of corporate governance rules and rules of conduct that affect how public companies interact with their market environment. The text is available on the website of:
- the Warsaw Stock Exchange: https://www.gpw.pl/dobre-praktyki2021;
- PZU pod adresem: https://www.pzu.pl/en/investor-relations/about-the-group/corporate-governance.
Corporate Governance Rules for Regulated Institutions, issued on 22 July 2014 by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF), define the internal and external relations of regulated institutions, including their relations with shareholders and customers, their organization, the functioning of internal oversight and key internal systems and functions as well as the governing bodies and the rules for their cooperation. The document is available on the website of:
- the Polish Financial Supervision Authority: https://www.knf.gov.pl/en/MARKET/Regulations_and_practice/Practice;
- PZU:
The set of principles expressed in the Best Insurance Practices adopted on 8 June 2009 by the General Assembly of the Polish Chamber of Insurance (PIU) also informs how PZU conducts its business operations and shapes relations with its stakeholders. This document defines the rules of corporate social responsibility in respect to relations between insurance and customers, insurance intermediaries, the regulatory authority and the Financial Ombudsman, the media and in public securities trading. By applying the Best Insurance Practices, PZU conducts regular efforts to develop insurance awareness in the public at large. The document is available on the website of:
- the Polish Chamber of Insurance:
https://piu.org.pl/en/ good-practices-of-the-piu-on-the-polish-insurance-marketin-equipment-insurance/; - PZU: https://www.pzu.pl/_fileserver/item/1504268.
PZU has also developed its own code defining the principal ethical standards governing the Company’s behavior in relations with its stakeholders. The Best Practices of the PZU Group are a set of standards followed by all members of the PZU Group. The values and principles described therein relate to such issues as conflict of interest, handling sensitive information, corruption and gift policy, reporting ethical problems, rules of cooperation with business partners, and disclosures. The obligation of abiding by the enacted standards pertains to all PZU Group employees, regardless of seniority or position. The Best Practices of the PZU Group are available at PZU’s website:
Application of corporate governance rules contained in Best Practices of WSE-Listed Companies
Since 1 July 2021, PZU has been applying the rules found in “Best Practices of WSE-Listed Companies 2021” (“WSE BP 2021”). Declarations of compliance with WSE BP are enshrined in the Rules and Regulations of the Management Board and Supervisory Board of PZU. Furthermore, on 29 June 2022, PZU’s Ordinary Shareholder Meeting adopted a resolution on the adoption of the Best Practice of WSE-Listed Companies 2021. In said resolution, PZU’s Shareholder Meeting declared that it would be guided by WSE BP 2021 in the scope addressed to the Shareholder Meeting and shareholders, taking into account the generally applicable provisions of the law and PZU’s Articles of Association.
On 30 June 2022, PZU published its Statement on PZU’s compliance with WSE BP 2021 (available on the Company’s website: https://www.pzu.pl/_fileserver/item/1531696).
PZU applies all rules laid down in the Best Practices of WSEListed Companies 2021, apart from Practice 2.1, 2.2 & 4.1. The year 2022 saw an incidental violation of Practice 4.9.1. PZU monitors the degree and manner of compliance with the rules laid down in WSE BP 2021 and, if necessary, takes steps on an as-needed basis to ensure compliance therewith to the fullest extent and in an unquestionable manner.
Chapter | Material aspects of application of Best Practices of WSE-Listed Companies 2021 at PZU |
Chapter 1.
Information policy and communications with investors |
Chapter 2.
Management Board and Supervisory Board |
Chapter 3.
Internal systems and functions |
Chapter 4.
Shareholder Meeting and relations with shareholders |
Chapter 5.
Conflict of interest and transactions with related parties |
Chapter 6.
Remunerations |
The statement on compliance with WSE BP 2021 is available on the PZU’s website under the Investor Relations section: https://www.pzu.pl/en/investor-relations/about-the-group/corporate-governance
Application of Corporate Governance Rules for Regulated Institutions
The PZU Management Board and Supervisory Board adopted resolutions (respectively, UZ/375/2014 of 17 December 2014 and URN/49/2014 of 19 December 2014), whereby they adopted standards arising from the Corporate Governance Rules for Regulated Institutions (CGR) to the broadest possible extent while giving consideration to the rule of proportionality and the rule “comply or explain.”
In its resolution no. 36/2015 of 30 June 2015, the PZU Ordinary Shareholder Meeting declared that, acting within its powers, it will be guided by CGR in the wording adopted by KNF on 22 July 2014, subject to rules from which it derogated, i.e., rules under § 10(2), § 12(1), and § 28(4).
The detailed statement on PZU’s compliance with CGR, taking into account the rules partially complied with and those which do not apply to PZU due to the nature of its operations has been published on the PZU’s website.
PZU monitors the degree and manner of compliance with CGR and, if necessary, takes steps on an as-needed basis to ensure compliance therewith to the fullest extent.
Chapter | Material aspects concerning the application of Corporate Governance Rules for Regulated Institutions | |
Chapter 1.
Organization and organizational structure |
Chapter 2.
Relations with shareholders of a regulated institution |
Chapter 3.
Management |
Chapter 4.
Supervisory body |
Chapter 5.
Remuneration policy |
Chapter 6.
Information policy |
Chapter 7.
Promotional activities and client relations |
Chapter 8.
Key internal systems and functions |
Chapter 9.
Exercise of rights from assets acquired at the client’s risk |
Rule | Justification for partial application |
Chapter 2.
The rule laid down in § 8 section 4 of the Corporate Governance Rules reading as follows: “The supervised institution, when justified by the number of shareholders, should strive to facilitate the participation of all shareholders in the meeting of the constituent body of the supervised institution, including by providing opportunities for electronic active participation in meetings of the constituent body.” |
Chapter 4.
The rule laid down in § 21 section 2 of the Corporate Governance Rules reading as follows: “In the composition of the supervising body, there should be a separate function of a chairperson who directs the work of the supervising body. The election of the chairperson of the supervising body should be based on experience and leadership skills, taking into account the criterion of independence.” |
Chapter 8
The rule laid down in § 49 section 3 of the Corporate Governance Rules reading as follows: “In a regulated institution, the appointment and removal of the head of the internal audit function and the head of the compliance function shall be made with the approval of the supervising body or the Audit Committee.” |
Rule | Justification for waiving the rule |
Chapter 2.
The rule laid down in § 10 section 2 of the Corporate Governance Rules reading as follows: “The implementation of personal rights or other special rights for shareholders of the regulated institution should be justified and serve the accomplishment of the regulated institution’s material operating goals. The possession of such rights by shareholders should be reflected in the wording of the primary governing document of the regulated institution.” |
Chapter 2.
The rule laid down in § 12 section 1 of the Corporate Governance Rules reading as follows: “Shareholders are responsible for recapitalizing without delay a regulated institution in a situation in which it is necessary to maintain the regulated institution’s equity at the level required by the legal regulations or oversight regulations as well as when the security of the regulated institution so requires.” |
Chapter 5.
The rule laid down in § 28 section 4 of the Corporate Governance Rules reading as follows: “The decisionmaking body assesses whether the implemented compensation policy fosters the regulated institution’s development and operating security.” |
Rule | Justification for partial application |
Chapter 2.
The rule laid down in § 11 section 3 of the Corporate Governance Rules reading as follows: “In the event that the decision-making body makes a decision concerning a transaction with a related party, all shareholders should have access to all information required to assess the conditions on which it is implemented and its impact on a regulated institution’s standing.” |
Chapter 8.
The rule laid down in § 49 section 4 of the Corporate Governance Rules reading as follows: “In a regulated institution in which there is no audit or compliance cell, the rights ensuing from sections 1-3 are vested in the persons responsible for performing these functions.” |
Chapter 8.
The rule laid down in § 52 section 2 of the Corporate Governance Rules reading as follows: “In a regulated institution in which there is no audit or compliance cell or no cell responsible for this area has been designated, the information referred to in section 1 shall be conveyed by the persons responsible for performing these functions.” |
Chapter 9.
Exercise of rights from assets acquired at the client’s risk |
Information on the status of application of the Corporate Governance Rules for Regulated Institutions is available on PZU’s website: https://www.pzu.pl/grupa-pzu/spolki/pzu-sa/zasady-ladu-korporacyjnego.