Description of the insurance markets on which PZU Group companies operate
Non-life insurance market in Poland
Measured by gross written premium in the first three quarters of 2022, the non-life insurance market in Poland grew by a total of PLN 2.5 billion (+7.3%) in comparison to the corresponding period of the previous year. Total written premium on direct business grew by PLN 2.7 billion (+8.4% y/y), and the premium on indirect business fell by PLN 0.2 billion (-5.9% y/y).
Source: The Quarterly Bulletin of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority ( Rynek ubezpieczeń [Insurance market] 3/2022, Rynek ubezpieczeń 3/2021, Rynek ubezpieczeń 3/2020, Rynek ubezpieczeń 3/2019, Rynek ubezpieczeń 3/2018, Rynek ubezpieczeń 3/2017
The market growth was attributable to the increase in gross written premium in non-motor insurance (by PLN 1.4 billion, +9.0% y/y), and motor insurance (by PLN 1.1 billion, +6.0% y/y). It was the dynamic rise in MOD insurance (PLN 1.0 billion, +14.3% y/y) that almost single-handedly led to the higher written premium in motor insurance. The increase in gross written premium on motor TPL insurance, which is the most important category for the market overall (PLN 12.2 billion, representing 33.0% of the overall premium in non-life insurance after the first three quarters of 2022), was considerably lower, at just PLN +0.1 million y/y (+1.0% y/y).
In non-motor insurance, the increase in gross written premium was mostly the result of higher sales of insurance against fire and other damage to property (up PLN 1.1 billion, or 14.6% y/y, of which PLN 0.3 million was for indirect business), general TPL (up PLN 277 million, 13.0% y/y) and assistance products (up PLN 228 million, 19.3% y/y). There was a decline in accident and illness insurance (down PLN 365 million, -14.9% y/y), insurance against various financial risks (down PLN 54.3 million, -5.3% y/y), and legal assistance products (down PLN 2.4 million, -3.9% y/y).
Groups: Allianz – Allianz, Euler Hermes, Aviva, Santander Aviva TU S.A.; Ergo Hestia – Ergo Hestia; Talanx – Warta, Europa; VIG – Compensa, Inter-Risk, Wiener, TUW TUW; Generali Group – Generali Source: KNF’s Quarterly Bulletin. Rynek ubezpieczeń [Insurance Market] 3/2022
** PZU Group’s market share in non-life insurance on direct business
In the first three quarters of 2022, the overall non-life insurance market generated a net result of PLN 2,232 million,
which is PLN 1,619 million less in comparison with the corresponding period of 2021. Excluding the dividend from PZU Życie, the net profit of the non-life insurance market decreased by PLN 952 million (- 36.1% y/y).
After the first three quarters of 2022, the technical result of the non-life insurance market fell by PLN 161 million to PLN 2,124 million. This was driven mainly by a worse technical result in motor TPL insurance by PLN 470 million (effect of an increase in claims ratio on the portfolio) and in accident and illness insurance by PLN 20 million, while the result on motor own damage insurance increased by PLN 290 million and on insurance against fire and other damage to property increased by PLN 63 million y/y.
Gross written premium vs technical result | 1 January – 30 September 2021 | 1 January – 30 September 2022 | ||||
PZU* | Market | Market excl. PZU | PZU* | Market | Market excl. PZU | |
Written premium | 10,969 | 34,351 | 23,382 | 11,903 | 36,864 | 24,961 |
Technical result | 957 | 2,285 | 1,328 | 1,060 | 2,124 | 1,064 |
Source: The Quarterly Bulletin of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority ( Rynek ubezpieczeń 3/2022, PZU figures
Non-life insurers estimated their net technical provisions at an aggregate amount of PLN 65,696 million, signifying a 5.0% growth compared to the end of 2021.
Life insurance market in Poland
After three quarters of 2022, the life insurance market in Poland, measured by gross written premium, was estimated at PLN 15,872 million, meaning that over the most recent five years it contracted on average by 0.8% per annum, mainly due to changes in single premiums in investment products. At the same time, the premiums collected during the three quarters were 4.2% lower than those in the corresponding period of 2021, driven by a decrease in single premiums. Gross written premium in periodic premium products has increased both in life insurance (class I) and in accident and illness insurance (class V).
Lower written premium from single-premium products mostly concerned investment products (down PLN 1,133 million, -75.8% y/y), this being caused by changes in the equity market as well as the legal and macroeconomic environment. What had the largest impact on the increasingly lower interest in investment products in previous years was the low interest rates and the tax on short-term endowment insurance products with fixed or index-based rates of return, which was introduced in 2015; this caused the¬m to be gradually withdrawn from offer (mainly the fixed-rate products). In subsequent years, the guidelines of the regulatory authority, including those on the level of fees charged to clients of unit-linked products, as well as EU directives regulating the market for unit-linked products and their distribution led to a limitation in offering these types of products. Following the sudden fall in sales in 2018, up until the second half of 2020, we have been observing a gradual comeback to single premium volumes; however, another slump came in Q1 2022, mostly in products offered in cooperation with the banks; this was largely caused by the entry into force on 1 January 2022 of the Recommendations of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority of July 2021 prohibiting the marketing, distribution, and sales of insurance-based investment products if linked to an insurance fund satisfying any criterion indicated bythe Polish Financial Supervision Authority (on client profitability or investment policy).
Source: KNF’s Quarterly Bulletin. Rynek ubezpieczeń 3/2022, Rynek ubezpieczeń 3/2021, Rynek ubezpieczeń 3/2020, Rynek ubezpieczeń 3/2019, Rynek ubezpieczeń 3/2018
Groups: Talanx – Warta, Europa, Open Life; VIG – Compensa, Vienna Life; Grupa Allianz – Santander Allianz TU na ŻYCIE, Aviva TUnŻ, TU Allianz Życie Polska;
Source: KNF’s Quarterly Bulletin. Rynek ubezpieczeń [Insurance Market] 3/2022
At the same time, market concentration measured by the periodic gross written premium remained high. During the last year, the order of the five largest market players has not changed, and their combined market share was 77.7%
The total technical result generated by life insurance companies in Q1-Q3 2022 amounted to PLN 1,976 million, i.e., was PLN 73 million higher (+3.9% y/y) than in the corresponding period of 2021. Growth was observed both in life insurance (class I), as well as in annuity insurance (class IV) and marriage and child maintenance insurance (class II). The increase by PLN 257 million in the technical result for life insurance, mostly due to lower claims and benefits resulting from a lower number of deaths, was of particular importance.
In this same period, life insurers generated a net result of PLN 1,600 million, up by PLN 113 million, 7.6% y/y. This was the effect of the technical result being higher than in the corresponding period of 2021.
Life insurance – Gross written premium vs technical result | 1 January – 30 September 2021 | 1 January – 30 September 2022 | ||||
PZU Życie | Market | Market excl. PZU Życie | PZU Życie | Market | Market excl. PZU Życie | |
Written premium | 6,654 | 16,563 | 9,909 | 6,306 | 15,872 | 9,566 |
Technical result | 816 | 1,903 | 1,087 | 801 | 1,976 | 1,175 |
Profitability | 12.3% | 11.5% | 11.0% | 12.7% | 12.4% | 12.3% |
The total value of the investments made by life insurance companies at the end of Q3 2022 was PLN 39,314 million, signifying a 0.9% fall compared to the end of 2021. The low investment performance of the funds brought about a decline in the net asset value of life insurance in which the policyholders bear the investment risk (down 23.2% to PLN 35,979 million).
During Q1-Q3 2022, PZU Życie wrote 39.7% of the gross written premium of all life insurers on the market, signifying a decrease versus the last year’s market share (by 0.4 p.p.), mostly as a consequence of the falling share that PZU Życie enjoys in the single premium market.
At the same time, PZU Życie continued to be the leader in the periodic premium segment. In the first three quarters of 2022, it generated 43.0% of these types of premiums, signifying a small decrease (by 0.9 p.p.) in the market share in this segment as compared to the previous year. The growth rate of gross written premium at PZU Życie in this segment was 101.0% y/y, while the other market players posted a 105.0% growth rate. There was a rise in accident and illness insurance (class V), as well as in life insurance (class I) – both at PZU Życie and other market players.
PZU Życie’s share in just the life insurance segment (class I) for periodic premiums at the end of Q3 2022 was 52.6% when measured by gross written premium, and 54.8% when measured by the number of contracts in force. PZU Życie’s market share in terms of the method of entering into a contract just in the life insurance segment was 61.1% for contracts executed in group form and 35.9% for individual contracts (measured by gross written premium).
PZU Życie’s technical result represented close to 41% of the result earned by all life insurance companies. This evidences the high profitability these products enjoy. PZU Życie’s technical result margin on gross written premium was higher than the overall margin generated by other companies offering life insurance (12.7% versus 12.3%).
Insurance markets in the Baltic States and Ukraine
The Bank of Lithuania has stated that in the of 2022 the gross written premium in non-life insurance amounted to EUR 894 million, up 24.1% in relation to the corresponding period in 2021.
Motor insurance remains the most significant insurance class on the market (representing 54.9% of all gross premiums written in non-life insurance). Market growth occurred mostly in motor TPL insurance, which constitutes almost one-third of the whole non-life insurance market (31.9%). Within motor insurance, gross written premium on TPL insurance grew by 21.7% y/y, whereas sales of MOD – by 22.0% y/y. Significant market growth was also observed in property and health insurance (24.5% y/y and 38.5% y/y, respectively).
As at the end of December 2022, there were 11 companies operating in the non-life insurance sector, including 7 branches of insurance companies registered in other EU member states. The combined market share of the top four players in the nonlife insurance market totaled 82.3%.
The PZU Group has been present in Lithuania since 2002. As of November 2014, it has been conducting its activity on the nonlife insurance market as Lietuvos Draudimas, which, as of May 2015, is also the owner of the PZU branch in Estonia.
Lietuvos Draudimas is the leader of the non-life insurance market in Lithuania. Its 2022 market share was 29.9%. Lietuvos Draudimas posted an increase in gross written premium by 24.8% y/y to EUR 267 million. The biggest growth was achieved in motor TPL insurance (up EUR 18 million), MOD motor insurance (up EUR 14 million), and property insurance (up EUR 13 million).
Gross premiums written by Lithuanian life insurance companies in 2022 amounted to EUR 340 million, up 6.4% relative to 2021. Sales of regular-premium insurance increased by 7.8% y/y, mainly due to higher volumes of new sales. Sales of single-premium insurance products decreased by 11.8% y/y (i.e. by EUR 2.5 million).
In the life insurance structure, unit-linked insurance represented the largest share at 69.6% of the portfolio value. Traditional life insurance accounted for 10.4% of written premium.
New sales increased by 9.1%. The growth rate with respect to new sales was adversely affected by the war in Ukraine. Unit-linked products remain the core product on the market, making up 81.2% of new sales. Traditional life insurance accounted for just 0.6% of new sales.
As at the end of 2022, eight companies operated on the Lithuanian life insurance market. The said market is highly concentrated – in 2022, the share held by the three largest life insurance companies in total gross written premium was 62.5%.
Swedbank was the largest life insurance company in Lithuania in terms of total gross written premium, with a 22.0% market share. The next players are Compensa (21.8% market share) and Aviva (18.8% market share).
PZU Group’s life insurance operations in Lithuania are conducted through UAB PZU Lietuva Gyvybës Draudimas (PZU Lithuania Life). The gross written premium posted by PZU Lithuania Life was EUR 22 million, up 7.4% from 2021. This corresponds to a market share of 6.5%.
On the Latvian non-life insurance market, as at the end of 2022, gross written premium was EUR 493million. This is EUR 91 million (i.e., 22.7%) more than in the corresponding period of the previous year.
The biggest growth was achieved in motor TPL insurance (up EUR 29 million, i.e., 36.3%), and MOD insurance (up EUR 22 million, i.e., 24.5%). Significant growth was also observed in health insurance and property insurance – EUR 20 million (+25.7% y/y) and EUR 13 million (+13.2% y/y), respectively
Motor insurance is the most important insurance class. TPL and MOD insurance accounted for 22.0% and 23.1%, respectively, of the entire non-life insurance market in terms of gross written premium. Health insurance (19.5% of the premium) and property insurance (22.6% of gross written premium) also had an important position in the product mix.
As at the end of 2022, there were 10 insurance companies operating on the Latvian non-life insurance market; the top five insurers held 80.0% of the market.
In June 2014, the PZU Group was joined in Latvia by AAS Balta, which in May 2015 took over the PZU Lithuania branch operating in the Latvian market since 2012.
AAS BALTA is the largest insurer in terms of premiums written in Latvia. At the end of 2022, the share of AAS BALTA in the non-life insurance marketwas 29.3%.
In 2022, the gross premium written by AAS Balta reached EUR 145 million, up 24.6% (EUR 29 million) relative to 2021. Greatest growth was observed in motor insurance and health insurance.
In 2022, gross written premium in non-life insurance amounted to EUR 471 million, up 18% in relation to the corresponding period of 2021.
The market growth was mostly attributable to MOD insurance with respect to which a 21.1% y/y increase was posted (i.e., up EUR 27 million), and TPL insurance (+19.7% y/y, i.e., up EUR 17 million), resulting from the growing prices driven by inflation. Dynamic growth was also enjoyed in health insurance (up EUR 5 million, i.e., +76.5% y/y) and property insurance (up EUR 19 million, i.e., + 16.8 % y/y).
The sales structure of non-life insurance did not change significantly in 2022: it was dominated by motor insurance, which accounted for 54.5% of gross written premium, with property insurance accounting for 28.4% of gross written premium.
As at the end of December 2022, there were 13 companies operating in the non-life insurance sector (including five branches of foreign insurance companies) among which the top four held a combined market share of 67.3%.
Since May 2015, the PZU Group’s operations in Estonia have been conducted by the Lietuvos Draudimas branch, established through the merger of a branch of PZU’s Lithuanian subsidiary and the Estonia branch, which had operated under the Codan brand.
The PZU Group’s share in the Estonian non-life insurance market reached 15.1% in 2022, and the accumulated gross written premium was EUR 71 million, up 22.3% (i.e., EUR 13 million) relative to 2021.
Greatest growth was observed in motor TPL and MOD insurance, as well as property insurance.
In the end of June 2021, supervision over the insurance market in Ukraine was taken over by the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU). NBU made supervision more efficient by monitoring compliance with applicable regulations and applying appropriate measures against the violators.
Since March 2022, NBU has been regulating the activities of parties to non-banking financial services during martial law, and among other things amended the terms of enforcement (postponed deadlines). In relation to Russia’s aggression in Ukraine, NBU specified the manner in which a series of normative and legal acts should be implemented to relieve market players of that burden, and also implemented a series of restrictions to minimize new risks arising due to the war. NBU temporarily made it impossible to perform foreign currency cross-border transfers, and this disturbed the process of providing reinsurance services and caused some players to withdraw from the Ukrainian market. This meant having to look for alternative solutions and reduce activity in some business lines and selected sales channels, such as international insurance.
After the first three quarters of 2022, the Ukrainian insurance market, measured by gross written premium, shrunk by 24.9% up to UAH 28.6 billion.
The premium accumulated in non-life insurance was UAH 25.1 billion, signifying 25.9% fall compared to the corresponding period in 2021.
The negative rate in most types of insurance is related to the outbreak of hostilities within the Ukrainian territory. In 2022, the economic activity of retail and corporate clients alike significantly worsened. The poorer economic situation faced by the society is an effect of growing unemployment and, as a consequence, of the closing or limiting the business of certain entrepreneurs. Due to the war, many clients have left abroad or are within temporarily occupied territories, which is why a large number of them decided not to extend their insurance cover.
In 2022, the Green Card insurance had a significant impact on non-life insurance sales, it being the only one to enjoy a growth rate because of people who were leaving abroad and taking out those policies en masse (+1.1% y/y, up UAH 1.5 billion).
As at the end of September 2022, insurance companies offering life insurance collected a gross written premium of UAH 3.5 billion, signifying a 16.9% decline compared to the corresponding period of the previous year.
The Ukrainian insurance market is highly fragmented. As at the end of September 2022, there were 139 insurance companies operating in the country, 126 of which offered non-life insurance. Despite the large number of insurers, the top 10 nonlife insurers generated 56.1% of gross written premium.
On the Ukrainian market, the PZU Group operates the insurance business via two companies: PrJSC IC PZU Ukraine (PZU Ukraine) in non-life insurance, and PrJSC IC PZU Ukraine Life (PZU Ukraine Life) in life insurance. In addition, LLC SOS Services Ukraine offers assistance services.
In 2022, gross written premium collected by PZU Ukraine amounted to UAH 1,287 million, or 26.3% less than in the previous year. Sales decline was recorded in all business lines, with the most significant ones in property, accident and motor insurance. In 2022, gross written premium collected by PZU Ukraine Life was UAH 398 million, down 37.4% from 2021.
During three quarters of 2022, PZU Ukraine attracted 3.7% of the gross written premium on the Ukrainian non-life insurance sector, and its market share went down by 0.1 p.p. versus Q3 2021. This ranked the company ninth on the non-life insurance market. PZU Ukraine Life ranked fifth in the life insurance market with a 8.4% market share (down 0.2 p.p. relative to the previous year)*.
* Insurance TOP, Ukrainian Insurance Quarterly, #7(83)2022

Activity and product offering of PZU Group’s insurance companies
PZU Group offers non-life insurance in Poland under three brands: PZU, the traditional and most well-known brand; LINK4, associated with direct sales channels; and TUW PZUW, i.e., the mutual insurance company.
Life insurance is sold in Poland under the PZU Życie brand. Outside of Poland, the PZU Group sells insurance products under the PZU brand (in Ukraine), as Lietuvos Draudimas (in Lithuania and Estonia) and as Balta (in Latvia).
To address expectations voiced by clients, the PZU Group has been consistently extending its offering in recent years for both retail and corporate clients. As a result, it has been able to retain its high market share.
Activity and product offering - PZU
As the PZU Group’s parent company, PZU offers an extensive array of non-life insurance products, including motor, property, casualty, agricultural and third-party liability insurance. At year-end 2022, just like in previous years, motor insurance was the most important group of products offered by PZU, both in terms of the number of insurance contracts and its premium stated as a share in total gross written premium.
Faced with changing market conditions, PZU realigned its offering in 2022 to the clients’ needs and expectations by rolling out new products and innovative solutions.
- updated the scope of PZU AUTO Assistance, a unique benefit within the Super variant. The benefit involves verifying the technical condition of the vehicle before it was purchased, in the event that the vehicle of the Insured is damaged in an accident and they decide to buy another vehicle. Additionally, the Super Truck variant now features the service of towing a trailer or semi-trailer where the towing vehicle is involved in an accident, malfunctions, or is stolen;
- extended the scope of PZU Auto by adding a PZU Auto Tyres insurance within simple products, which had so far been offered separately;
- consolidated the rules of valuing partial and total claims in line with the MOD insurance variant opted for at the time the contract was concluded. The costs of repair served to determine whether the car was totaled will be calculated based on the option selected by the client when they chose either the ‘optimum’, ‘maintenance service’ or ‘partnership’ variant. The change, agreed upon with the Insurance Ombudsman, aims at minimizing the risk that the client wrongly interprets the terms of insurance;
- extended the scope of insurance cover at PZU Wojażer, by superseding the clause that had been applicable so far and adding benefits related to the COVID-19 epidemic. The benefit includes the reimbursement of full board costs by the organization and the costs required for the client to return to their country of residence (if the insured is unable to use their connection planned originally), reimbursement of package tour costs if the insured is unable to take part (due to them or their trip partner suddenly coming down with COVID-19 or being quarantined or isolated);
- introduced a new product, PZU Bezpieczne Lokum, for housing associations and co-operatives addressed to clients within the housing sector defined at the stage of offering, e.g., residents of a given housing association. The product covers private property insurance against all risks, which involves insurance cover against many events which may occur within an apartment (events excluded notwithstanding). Furthermore, the cover may include home assistance services, private third-party liability insurance, and lawyer services within legal assistance;
- amended the GTCI of the PZU Edukacja ADD, which includes:
- adding, among other things, the post-COVID PIMS-TS syndrome to the list of serious illnesses,
- introducing an additional benefit for accidents during school trips,
- raising the service limit within assistance, among other things, to PLN 2,000 for a psychologist and PLN 1,200 for private lessons;
- went through the integration with the system of the Central Register of Vehicles and Drivers (CEPiK), thanks to which PZU may download and automatically process details concerning registered vehicles, their owners, and drivers, without writing them down from the registration document; this translates to a considerably shorter client journey and maintained competitiveness of PZU’s offering;
- made available a new template for the border insurance policy – single-page, without a reverse, no copy required, printable by client;
upgraded the offering concerning insurance of poultry against risk of salmonella under terms and conditions different from those offered within GTCI PZU Zwierzęta – poultry, based on the Regulation of the Minister of Agricultural and Rural Development of 31 March 2022. The Regulation governs premium subsidies for farmers up to 70% of the premium payable by the farmer if the insurance contract states that the payment of amounts claimed shall occur if the value of damage arising exceeds 20% of the average annual production of animals insured from the last three or five years (expressed in PLN). The offer covers:
- limited risk of salmonella cover for claims with >20% deductible,
- additional risk of salmonella cover for claims with <20% deductible;
- additional risks, covering, i.a., risks of disrupted electricity supplies or ventilation device operations.
Within corporate insurance, most changes which PZU focused on involved making the offer more appealing for fleet clients and leasing companies, and continuously making cooperation with intermediaries more effective.
- the implementation of the PZU iFlota prevention program. The program supports risk management in fleets, using innovative software. PZU iFlota has three main modules: fleet management, insurance management, and safety management. Firstly, PZU iFlota is a classical fleet management system, offering a register of vehicles, drivers, and various costs, and allowing the handling of such matters as fuel cards or maintenance service. Secondly, there is insurance management. The system gives access to data on TPL and MOD policies and damage, as well as enables reporting and monitoring claims at app level. The third and most important element is prevention aimed at improving the safety of the fleet, thanks to, among other things, the access to e-learning sessions, knowledge databases, and suggestions of prevention activities adequate to the risks observed at a given client;
- the popularization and further development of the Risk PRO program, among other things through the expansion of PZU LAB Enterprise Safety Tools using smart detectors monitoring safety on an ongoing basis, e.g., monitoring the opening or closing of fire doors, registering temperature, pressure, vibration and smoke, integrated with CCTV cameras;
- the extension of PZU Auto’s offering with a new MOD insurance cover for owners of electric cars which involves damage to chargers, including wallboxes, as well as charging cables or batteries
In financial insurance, PZU supports the Polish economy by providing insurance guarantees and securing the performance of contracts in such key areas as the power sector, the construction industry and the science and innovation sector, taking into account the restrictions related to COVID-19 and the hostilities in Ukraine. PZU also continuously monitors and identifies risks related to the current geopolitical situation.
- introducing amendments to periodic guarantee contract applications and insurance guarantee contract-of-mandate forms, adapting them to the clients’ needs as well as to the current geopolitical situations with regard to valuation with higher transaction risk;
- updating GTCI in GAP financial loss insurance for clients of Alior Leasing and Pekao Leasing;
- continuing the cooperation with the banks in mortgage loan repayment insurance, both with PZU Group companies and external banks.
In 2022, PZU cooperated with nine banks and nine strategic partners.
PZU's business partners are leaders in their respective industries and they have client bases offering the possibility of extending the PZU’s offering with additional innovative products geared towards those clients. In active cooperation with PZU Group's banks, Bank Pekao and Alior Bank, PZU continues the implementation of a comprehensive offering using the banks’ distribution networks.
This cooperation has allowed PZU to steadily expand the offering and scale of sales of insurance products linked to banking products, including insurance coverage for cash loans and mortgage loans as well as other insurance products. Within strategic partnership, cooperation is based primarily on energy industry companies which PZU uses as intermediaries to offer assistance services – assistance of electricians, plumbers or healthcare professionals. PZU’s insurance offering is also present on the e-commerce market through cooperation with PLL LOT, iSpot, and eBilet. Examples of cooperation in bancassurance, assurbanking and strategic partnerships are described in „Distribution and customer service”.
Activity and product offering - LINK4
LINK4 is one of the most recognizable insurance companies in Poland, which skilfully combines the strength of a corporation with the agility of a start-up. In line with clearly defined values, such as client, respect and mastery, LINK4 has for two decades been simplifying the world of insurance.
LINK4 remains among the leaders of direct insurance products; it extends its business by cooperating with multiagencies, banks and strategic partners. The company offers an extensive array of non-life insurance products, including motor, property, casualty and TPL insurance.
LINK4 was yet again awarded the prestigious title of Inwestor w Kapitał Ludzki (Investor in Human Capital) for its exceptional above-average employee satisfaction and engagement. This is of tremendous importance, especially as the study involved yet another year of working under a hybrid formula, in a situation where, market-wise, high performance in these areas is an additional challenge. Engagement, which has been one of the core strategic objectives of the Company, was beyond expectations in 2022, and the company became one of the Economic Award laureates, receiving the first prize in the Firma Przyjazna Klientom (Customer-Friendly Company) category. The jury acknowledged the company and its employees for their systematic implementation of proclient solutions.
In 2022, LINK4 focused on expanding further its current product offering, adapting to the changing expectations of its clients and business partners.
- making the Auto Assistance offer more appealing by increasing towing service limits in assistance events in all insurance variants (by 300 km) and offering a replacement car to be rented within the framework of Auto Assistance Plus;
- introducing changes to the Podróże (travel insurance) offering, in particular:
- simplifying the claims and benefits handling process by withdrawing provisions on determining permanent bodily injury based on a medical opinion and an assessment of medical records or just the report interview;
- harmonizing the provisions (in line with motor ADD insurance) concerning the determination of bodily injury as percentage and valuing benefits for the death of an insured person,
- adding a list of documents necessary to receive payment under ADD insurance for physical injury and death to the GTCI;
- simplifying the DOM (HOUSE) insurance offer, which includes presenting GTCI in a plain language, as well as introducing new structure and scopes, i.a., introducing a single TPL scope in private insurance instead of the two variants for property and private life that had been offered so far separately;
- introducing the Ochrona Zniżki (Discount Protection) clause to motor TPL and package insurance – applicable for first claims under TPL or MOD (event under which amounts claimed were paid or are payable), regardless of the amount claimed.
Activity and product offering – TUW PZUW
Towarzystwo Ubezpieczeń Wzajemnych Polski Zakład Ubezpieczeń Wzajemnych (TUW PZUW) focuses on cooperation with large enterprises, medical centers (hospitals and clinics), church entities and local government units.
It covers elastic insurance cover, adjusted in cost and scope to the needs of the insured. The mutual insurance formula helps that, allowing the negotiation of contracts without the need to launch tender proceedings. Entities insured at TUW PZUW are, under the principle of mutuality, members of the organization as well, and their number has been growing steadily throughout the recent years. Within TUW PZUW, members establish mutual benefit societies grouping entities of a similar business profile and related risk.
In 2022, TUW PZUW celebrated the establishment of a mutual benefit society for over 500 companies from the water and sewage industry. What was also promising was the establishment of the Ignacy Mościcki Mutual Benefit Society for the companies in the energy and thermal power sector within Agencja Rynku Energii.
What distinguishes and is the market advantage of TUW PZUW is the utmost care taken to minimize risk and extensive assistance for the insured in this respect, in the form of free-of-charge safety audits and prevention projects. These cover, among others, a training program for physicians and medical personnel which TUW PZUW is resuming on a wide scale after the period of restrictions related to the COVID-19 pandemic. The purpose is for physicians and medical.
Another important event in 2022 for the medical environment was the first Congress on Insurance Solutions for Medical Entities, organized for the first time by TUW PZUW, dedicated to patient safety and health prevention, under the patronage of the Patient’s Rights Ombudsman.
At the same time, TUW PZUW is engaged in developing new products.
- an innovative solution for groups of hospitals, so-called ubezpieczenie parasolowe (umbrella insurance), which ensures additional insurance cover after the guarantee sum under mandatory insurance is exhausted. Hospitals within a TUW PZUW mutual benefit society may take out an insurance rider for all of them at a price relatively lower than in the case where each hospital would have to buy the policy separately;
- third-party liability insurance for managers of medical entities;
- travel insurance for church institutions;
- „Polisa na biznes” – business risk insurance for franchisees. It is a market-first assistance product for small enterprises whose financial safety is key in making the decision to launch a business;
- „Siła wiatru„(„Power of the Wind”) for wind farms and „Moc Słońca” („Power of the Sun”) for photovoltaic installations. These policies are comprehensive property insurance against all risks, including against damage and loss of profit, as well as liability insurance associated with the operation of wind turbines and photovoltaic panels.
TUW PZUW is the largest mutual insurance company in Poland and one of the fastest growing ones worldwide,
as attested to by its victory in the prestigious Stars of Insurance study organized by the editorial board of Dziennik Gazeta Prawna. TUW PZUW was ranked highest among mutual insurance companies, classified in terms of their potential and growth rate. The editorial board accounted for the scale of business, safety and profitability.
The strong position of TUW PZUW in 2022 is also evidenced by the fact that it maintained its high rating at A- with stable outlook, affirmed by the prestigious S&P agency. TUW PZUW is the only mutual insurance company and one of the few insurers in Poland having an international rating. An A-rating means low credit risk, and high financial credibility and capacity to meet commitments.
Activity and product offering - PZU Życie
Within the PZU Group, PZU Życie operates on the Polish life insurance market. The company offers an extensive range of life insurance products, which for management purposes are reported and analyzed broken down into the following three segments:
- group and individually continued insurance;
- individual insurance;
- investment contracts.
PZU Życie, as a popular and the largest insurer on the Polish market, continuously expands its offering by adding new products or modifying existing ones to protect its clients at each stage of their lives. The unique synergy of competences within the PZU Group (insurer, medical operator, investment manager) allows the company to comprehensively take care of life, health and savings of its clients, providing them with the broadest possible support in accordance with their expectations and needs.
The changes concern not only the product itself but also entail the modernization and simplification of the way in which insurance is offered and sold. They also enable the client to take advantage of various contact channels to reach the insurance company (e.g. in a branch, by phone, e-mail, Internet client account, person providing technical insurance services in the workplace or through an insurance intermediary, whether tied or external).
The changes incorporate the new requirements introduced by the regulatory authority and the increasing legal protection of consumers.
- introducing in July 2022 a new group life insurance with riders titled PZU Na Życie Plus (PNŻ Plus), which combines a comprehensive approach to the needs of employees, employers and their families. The insurance covers life, health, and access to medical services. PNŻ Plus is offered for new entities employing at least 30 people. Furthermore, the product allows the client to individually extend the basic cover with additional packages, and therefore to better adjust the cover to their individual needs;
- updating GTCI for pension insurance due to the position of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority on presenting payments in unit-linked life insurance contracts. The amendment concerned IKE PZU Życie insurance and the continued Pogodna Jesień insurance;
- developing a new medical treatment insurance for illnesses. The new insurance, being an extension to the offering concerning the Individual Continuation of group insurance gives clients financial cover in the event of their hospital stay due to key civilization diseases;
- refreshing the group health and life insurance offering titled Medical Cover S, which includes updating provisions on complaints in relation to the entry into force of the Electronic Service Act, and changing documents for clients to facilitate amendments to policies, including amendments concerning premiums.
- implementing changes within certain riders for life insurance, including:
- increasing the maximum age for the insured person’s entry and at the end of the cover, allowing selected riders to be offered to older people who had so far been unable to enjoy cover within selected riders;
- modifying the provisions concerning complaints due to the amended provisions of the Electronic Service Act.
- introducing a new short-term (two or three years) endowment insurance product titled PZU Bezpieczny Zysk with a guaranteed payment of certain sums after the contract expires regardless of the situation on financial markets. This combines life cover and higher capital. In the event of a termination, the sum paid in the first year is equal to the premium paid, and in the event of the death of the insured, the sum insured will be received by indicated persons without the testament proceedings or inheritance and donations tax;
- Within individual pension insurance the most important question was to adjust the products in the current offer (individual unit-linked life insurance IKE PZU Życie and individual continuation of group pension insurance Pogodna Jesień) in line with the requirements of the position of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority on presenting fees in unit-linked life insurance contracts.
In 2022, PZU Życie actively cooperated with four banks, including PZU Group banks, delivering a comprehensive insurance offering for its clients. Cooperation with Bank Pekao and Alior Bank allows PZU Życie to gradually expand its offering and sales of insurance products linked to bank products. Examples of said cooperation are described in „Distribution and Customer service / Bank channel”.
Activity and product offering - foreign companies
Lietuvos Draudimas is the largest and the most experienced insurer, the leader of the Lithuanian insurance market and the largest insurance company in the Baltic States. One in three residents of Lithuania choose insurance in Lietuvos Draudimas. In 2022, in addition to the current activity in nonlife insurance, Lietuvos Draudimas continued to focus on pursuing sustainable development activities and expanding further its product offering, while adapting it to the changing circumstances and expectations of its clients.
Aside from business-as-usual activities and the improvement of existing products, the main activities including:
- updating the website, continuing the efforts on improving the client journey at with a view to making it faster and more convenient. The main purpose of the update and optimization of LD’s external website is to increase sales via electronic channels (from to e-commerce sites). The website update works are based on global trends and experience of experts who are taking into account the business needs of LD. In 2022, solutions concerning core insurance products (motor TPL and MOD insurance) were changed, and hypothesis put forward were tested, paying attention to information layout. The optimization of is an ongoing process with works still underway (searching for other solutions to improve and reach better results);
- updating, on an ongoing basis, the GoLD Platform (sales system) – introducing further insurance product, i.a., regarding corporate assets;
- improving in SavasLD (on-line claims reporting system) the client journey in health insurance claims handling, digitizing the approval of trade agreements;
- implementing within SavasLD a B2C Health insurance product which gave private clients an opportunity to take out health insurance online directly. Health insurance was and still is LD’s priority product both in 2022 and in 2023. It is a highly significant element of the company’s strategy, and the company systematically works on the improvement and correction of client experience.
In 2022, the company began a new stage of its operations, presented at a special event titled “The new beginning For Those Who Love Life.” Since 31 January 2022, PZU Lithuania Life offers a new product (“For Those Who Love Life”) with the broadest life cover on the market. The goal is to provide clients with consistent, comprehensive daily support and make sure that anyone can create custom whole life insurance suited to their needs and capacity.
A new version of the PZUlife sales system, dedicated to new contracts, was implemented, and the system will continue to be developed as a new assistance tool for agents for better recognition of a client’s needs. It also allows remote identification for adults and children.
In November 2022, a new functionality was introduced in the PZUlife sales system, and so, “For Those Who Love Life” is also offered to business clients where the policyholder is a legal entity. This way, individual “For Those Who Love Life” offers can be used as a motivation tool for employees, promoting their loyalty and contributing to the process of building an image of an employer who bears corporate social responsibility.
Self-service in SavasLD was continually improved; users can now log-in to self-service using a SmartID and mobile signature (which had so far been possible in three banks).
Broad assortment of products, excellent customer service and well-thought out investments in brand promotion activities allowed Balta to maintain its leading position on the Latvian non-life insurance market in terms of sales volume and significantly strengthen brand awareness and reputation.
In 2022, Balta focused on ensuring better customer service and exploiting digital opportunities.
It launched an application and an Internet solution allowing contact with road assistance, with an option to track service arrival.
An AI-based digital solution enabling clients to take pictures of insured cars was also implemented. At the same time, the solution allows verification to ensure adequate quality and provides reliable data on the date and hour the photo is taken.
Balta consistently expands its products and channels in which client payments are automatically charged from credit cards, this makes it considerably more convenient for clients.
In 2022, due to the current economic situation, PZU Estonia was regularly amending its tariffs: at least twice a month in motor insurance in the light of the extraordinarily high inflation.
March 2022 saw a new MOD insurance package for cars older than 8 years introduced in the e-shop. This offer will also be available in the regional sales channel.
At the end of December 2022, the Estonia branch finalized a contract with Luminor Bank responsible for distributing private property insurance.
It developed and tested SEB Bank’s e-shop (SEB Bank e-shop). SEB Bank e-shop connects to the SEB Internet bank, thanks to which an SEB client enters PZU Estonia’s e-shop via the SEB Internet bank and sees only the SEB insurance products.
In June 2022, the Estonia branch established insurancerelated cooperation with AS Veho, the main Mercedens Benz dealer in Estonia.
The company’s main distribution channels are its partners, SEB Bank and the Internet. In order to improve its operating efficiency, synergies and cross-selling in all direct distribution channels, at the end of 2021, the company launched the project of building its Own Sales Network. Sales were launched in the second half of 2022, and as at the end of the year, there were 5 branches in 5 different cities: Tallin, Tartu, Pärnu, Jõgeva and Kuressaare.
In 2022, PZU Ukraine carried out a project and conducted analysis and studies to tidy up its product portfolio. A number of changes were made in the product range, with the key ones being:
- updating property insurance contract forms to the conditions of war (new reservations added);
- suspending the sales of several products concerning property insurance, liability, and financial risk;
- analyzing and amending terms of insurance (i.a., no option to insure objects on temporarily occupied territories or territories where war is actively waged);
- a new ADD insurance product was developed, covering passive war risks; Terms of Reference for its implementation were prepared on the EWA partner’s platform;
- introducing electronic Green Card insurance sales.
Due to the martial law and moratorium of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) prohibiting foreign currency cross-border payments, Gen Re refused to participate in covering Ukrainian risks under the mandatory reinsurance treaty for special (construction and agricultural) machines. Since September, reinsurance cover is provided by Polish Re and PZU. Because of NBU’s ban on cross-border payments, within Agro Stop Loss reinsurance, Swiss Re refused to continue cooperation in this respect.
Sales in partner channels using API – sales of policies via online insurance aggregators – continued to be developed in 2022.
In October 2022, the Internet shop introduced a new Standard+ insurance program allowing electronic travel insurance contracts to be concluded with people who are abroad during the conclusion of the contract. In Q3 2022, thanks to the new program, the volume of premiums on these contracts grew by 57%.
In 2022, addressing the needs of its customers and aiming to improve customer service, PZU Ukraine held additional training sessions on customer service standards. It also launched a process of concluding contracts with customers who were staying abroad, using the mobile Object Control app.
In practice, international businesses suspended their insurance business in Ukraine. Clients have become excluded from international programs, and offered local cover.
Due to the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, new sales were suspended on 1 March 2022. PZU Ukraine Life focused on handling the existing portfolio of insurance contracts and maintaining the claims handling process.
In May 2022, PZU Życie resumed its cooperation in insuring borrowers with two strategic partners – IdeaBank and KredoBank – in some loan programs (cash loans, cards). Then, in July, it resumed new sales in the agency and brokerage channels with insurance contracts featuring additional limits on risk and sums insured. Products may be sold solely in the oblasts where the war is not waged directly – West and Central Ukraine (so-called green zone).
Q4 2022 also saw the return of new insurance contracts in the corporate sales channel (“Social Cover”, “Assistance”, “Classic”).
In effect, around 2,600 new insurance contracts in the agency and brokerage channels were concluded in the second half of 2022, along with over 121,000 insurance contracts within bank cooperation programs; several new corporate clients were also acquired.
The customer service at Life Contact Center underwent significant changes in 2022. Whereas in 2021, incoming calls constituted 50% of all client contacts, this was down to 33% in 2022. In turn, most reports were received via e-mail and Chatbot Life (54% in 2022 compared to 33% in 2021). At the same time, clients are eager to avail themselves of Contact Center’s support, as evidenced by the considerable increase in total reports received thereby in 2022. In 2022, the total number of reports via e-mail and Chatbot Life more than doubled compared to 2021, which underlines the significance of having electronic means of communication with the clients, especially during the martial law in Ukraine.

Distribution and customer service
PZU Group’s sales network is organized in a manner that ensures sales effectiveness along with high-quality services. Among all the Polish insurers, PZU offers its clients the largest sales and service network. It has 409 branches across the country with 189 in small communities and tied agents, multiagencies, insurance brokers and electronic distribution channels.
In 2022, the PZU Group’s distribution network included:
In Poland, the PZU’s own agency network consisted of 9.5 thousand tied agents and agencies. Sales are conducted through the agency channel predominantly in the mass client segment, particularly of motor and non-life insurance as well as individual insurance (life insurance). LINK4 cooperated with 453 agents not tied to any aggregator. In the Baltic States, the Group’s agency network comprised over 704 agents, while in Ukraine there were 392 agents;
On the Polish insurance market, the PZU Group cooperates with more than 3.7 thousand multiagencies. They perform sales operations targeted mainly at the mass market (insurance of all types is sold through this channel, especially motor insurance and property insurance) as well as individual life insurance. LINK4 cooperated with 59 multiagencies, while in the Baltic States, Group companies cooperated with 20 multiagencies and in Ukraine with 26 multiagencies;
In Poland, the Group, in particular PZU’s Corporate Client Division, cooperated with over 1,000 insurance brokers. In the Baltic States, where the brokerage channel is a major insurance distribution channel, the Group companies cooperated with 459 brokers and in Ukraine with 38 brokers;
In 2022, as regards insurance, PZU cooperated with nine banks and nine strategic partners, PZU Życie with fife banks, TUW PZUW with two banks and nine strategic partners. LINK4 cooperated with six banks within various distribution models for mostly motor insurance and five strategic partners. In the Baltic States, the cooperation included five banks and 12 strategic partners and 11 banks in the Ukraine;
Non-life insurance sales through this channel is conducted in particular by LINK4 and comprises cooperation with price comparison engines, website and call center. This channel also comprises, PZU sales hotline and the mojePZU portal.
Branches and agencies
The bulk of PZU’s clients prefer direct service by the agent and in the agent’s office.
The network of 409 standardized PZU branches is evenly distributed across Poland in carefully selected locations. PZU branches are the only distribution channel ensuring comprehensive sales and aftersales service of PZU Group’s non-life, life and pension insurance and investment products in each outlet. The offering in PZU branches is targeted at individual clients as well as businesses from the small and medium-sized enterprise (SME) segment.
Clients interested in buying insurance remotely can contact PZU via a dedicated number: 600 600 601. On the other hand, clients with active contracts are taken care of by specialists who take care of the continuity in insurance cover, which allows to keep in touch with the client.
Thanks to modern technologies, including the integration of automation and robotics into the phone service process, the risks of spam or phishing are minimized. In 2023, an effort was launched with partner Hiya to identify the hotline number with the PZU logo. In 2022, the possibility for clients to call back a PZU consultant was introduced. In 2023, text messages announcing a call from PZU and informing of an unsuccessful attempt to contact the customer were also launched.
The hotline’s product offerings in 2021 focused on vehicle, housing, travel and personal accident insurance risks. In 2022, the portfolio of products offered by telephone sales expanded to include crop insurance, among other things. This was accompanied by technological changes in the purchasing process, focused on client satisfaction. The breakthrough was the implementation of the property inspection function via the Video Inspector application. This solution meets the needs of clients interested in quickly purchasing insurance that requires vetting by a PZU employee, especially MOD insurance or unusual real property, such as a vacation home. At the same time, it safeguards the interests of PZU and prevents the risk of extortionate claims. The sales hotline is also piloting the sale of selected insurance from offerings of PZU Życie starting in 2022.
In 2022, PZU made it possible for Ukrainian customers to purchase a border liability insurance policy over the phone. For this purpose, a team of Ukrainian-speaking consultants has been established, and the already existing team dedicated to the English-speaking client has been strengthened.
Remote insurance distribution contributes to the omnichannel strategy. The client can talk to a consultant at their convenience about any insurance, including insurance previously concluded with an agent or in a branch. The development is supported by innovative AI-based tools such as Comadso (an interactive GTCI comparison engine) and Nexidia (AI that supports listening to recorded calls).
Premiums written by PZU in remote channels increased by 29.2% y/y to PLN 180.1 million in 2022. The number of clients using this form of purchase is also growing steadily. As recently as 2021, it was 229,000. In 2022, the number increased by 33% – to 303,500.
The launch of the mojePZU [myPZU] portal in 2018 was a way of fundamentally modifying client interactions. This is a one-of-a-kind dashboard enabling clients to check their insurance cover at any time, manage their medical coverage and appointments as well as their investments. Through the mojePZU portal, PZU Group clients may:
- purchase a policy;
- receive an insurance offer from an Agent;
- view their policies and report changes;
- make an appointment with a physician;
- collect a referral for examination or an e-prescription;
- check their medical records;
- invest their savings;
- report a claim and check its current status.
Modern self-service offers a single location to access PZU Group’s products and services and helps in the handling of numerous matters without the need to visit a branch or contact a hotline. It is accessible from any location and at any time on personal computers and through the mobile app. At the end of 2022, the mojePZU portal was used by more than 3.3 million users.
The dashboard is still developed and enhanced with further functionalities and services, among others, in sales and renewals of insurance products (including payments), as well as claims and benefits handling in health and investment. MojePZU also features Klub PZU Pomocni, a loyalty program thanks to which clients have access to discount codes and additional benefits.
Distribution of insurance via the banking channel is an important element of the PZU Group’s business model. Cooperation with the banking segment forms an additional plane for PZU to build lasting client relations at every stage of their personal and professional development.
PZU’s activity is based mainly on the area of bancassurance and assurbanking in cooperation with banks from the PZU Group: Alior Bank (in PZU Group since 2015) and Bank Pekao (in PZU Group since 2017), as well as in distribution of bancassurance insurance products through banks outside the Group.
The overriding objective of the cooperation is to reach the largest number of clients using multiple distribution channels and provide insurance cover to bank clients. In the PZU Group Strategy for 2021–2024, the cooperation with banks and other non-financial partners is one of the Group’s priorities. By actively cooperating with Bank Pekao and Alior Bank, PZU continues the implementation of a comprehensive offering using the banks’ distribution networks. This cooperation has allowed PZU to steadily expand the offering and scale of its sales of insurance products linked to bank products, including insurance coverage for cash and mortgage loans. Over the term of the strategy, the Group plans to generate roughly PLN 3 billion in cumulative gross written premium on insurance and banking collaboration with Bank Pekao and Alior Bank.
Within bancassurance, cooperation with Bank Pekao and Alior Bank covers the sales of the following products:
- with Bank Pekao:
- insurance on mortgage loans, cash loans, personal bank accounts (RORs) and credit cards
- investment products
- travel insurance
- motor insurance
- with Alior Bank:
- non-life and life insurance for cash and mortgage borrowers
- travel insurance
- ADD insurance with health package
Since January 2022, PZU Życie offers, within the sales at Bank Pekao and Alior Bank, new unit-linked products adapted to the product intervention requirements of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority. The new design of the products reduced costs to clients.
Since August 2022 Bank Pekao and Alior Bank sell a new SPE (single-premium endowment) product of PZU Życie which exploits the market potential related to high interest rates. It involves endowment insurance with a guaranteed rate of return for the client. The contract may be concluded for 2 or 3 years, and the premium is paid as a one-off premium. The product was implemented for distribution at Alior Bank and Bank Pekao. Works are being conducted to launch sales at further distributors.
In Q4 2022, PZU Życie extended its offering with individual life insurance for those who took out a housing or mortgage loan from Bank Pekao. PZU Życie solutions may be used by both those who want to take out a loan or mortgage, as well as those who are already repaying it. Insurance is purchased for 4 years, and the premium is paid monthly. Bank clients may extend cover for another 4 years after the insurance period. In the event of death, PZU Życie may repay the housing loan in full or in part at Bank Pekao, and any excess benefit payable will be paid to persons additionally insured, e.g., the close relatives of the insured. What is important, in this situation, persons additionally insured receive excess benefits without testament proceedings or inheritance and donations tax.
Since November 2022, Bank Pekao has been offering PZU motor insurance. Bank clients who are car owners, depending on their needs, may at any branch of the bank in Poland purchase a TPL insurance and selected voluntary insurance products: MOD, ADD, Windshields, PZU AUTO Assistance, PZU Health Assistance. PZU has prepared an offer for drivers with an option to adjust cover to individual need. Since November 2022, Bank Pekao has been offering LINK4 motor insurance as well. An advisor may present the insurance offers of both insurers. Offers are compared within one process, leading to the selection of predefined packages or offer personalization.
In 2022, PZU also established strategic cooperation with Bank Ochrony Środowiska. The first product added to the bank’s offer was insurance for photovoltaic installations and other RES devices linked with the bank’s flagship environmentally-friendly loans
PZU is one of the largest external partners of Bank Pekao in the sales of personal bank accounts (RORs) via the bank’s Pekao360 app. Cooperation in 2022 involved:
- continuing end-to-end sales in the remote channel with two available banking products: Konto Przekorzystne and Konto Przekorzystne Biznes;
- introducing a new offer and raising the bonus from PLN 200 to PLN 300 under the joint campaign “Auto z Kontem”, within which a client receives a 10% TPL discount;
- growing sales of Konto Przekorzystne onto subsequent Partner Branches and launching a pilot group of Regular Branches;
- launching sales of a new product – Konto Przekorzystne Biznes – and growing the sales of Konto Przekorzystne with PZU Życie products at PZU branches;
- continuing the pilot sales of two banking products within the Tied Agent network – Konto Przekorzystne within the “Auto z Kontem” special offer and cash loan (for implementation in 2023).
Since 2019, together with Alior Bank, PZU has been developing the Cash Portal, an innovative loan platform with a unique product offering for employees. In 2022, the portal was made available to further groups of clients, including new corporates, reaching a total of 900 thousand retail clients who can access the Cash platform. Furthermore, Bank Pekao’s products were added to the portfolio of products offered, i.e., Kredyt Hipoteczny and Konto Przekorzystne. Thanks to the cooperation with PZU Zdrowie, companies which gave their employees access to the platform are able to give them a discount on medical packages as well. PZU Cash, together with PZU Zdrowie and Alior Bank, have prepared a special offering of an instalment loan for dentist services and financing of orthopedics services at Gamma clinics. PZU Cash is also proud to have created its first own product. The MiniCash cash loan acts like an advance on the monthly income, and allows employees to cover smaller, unexpected expenses.
The Cash project is a good example of synergy and leveraging the strengths of the two companies in the PZU Group, implementation of an innovative business model and the following of market trends – in this case the trends pertaining to financial well-being. The Cash Portal also follows the development of remote channels, making it possible to use financial products 100% online (economy digitization).
The PZU Group strives to create an ecosystem in which the overriding objective is to manage client relations skillfully by offering clients solutions in all venues accessible to them. This contributes to intensifying activities in strategic partnerships with companies operating on the Polish market, among others, telecommunication operators, power utilities, retail chains and airlines, regarding joint offering of non-life and life insurance to the clients of such institutions.
Within the framework of its strategic partnerships, PZU offers a number of insurance contracts to the business partners’ clients, including:
- electronic equipment insurance and phone insurance;
- assistance insurance guaranteeing services of professionals, e.g. electrician, plumber and consumer electronics/ appliances servicing staff, who provide help in the case of a failure in the household;
- insurance of photovoltaic installations;
- travel insurance.
In 2022, PZU cooperated with several strategic partners. Those are leaders in their respective industries and they have client bases offering the possibility of extending the PZU’s offering with additional innovative products geared towards those clients. For example, PZU cooperates with power sector companies to offer assistance services – assistance of an electrician, a plumber, or health assistant. PZU’s insurance offering is also present on the e-commerce market through cooperation with PLL LOT and iSpot.
In 2022, PZU expanded its insurance offer by launching sales of insurance at The website’s users may purchase tickets for cultural events with insurance. PZU provides cover in the case that the client cannot take part in the event for which they purchased a ticket/pass due to important and unexpected random circumstances. Events which entitle the insured to receive amounts claimed include unfortunate accidents to ticketholders or close relatives, sudden illness, loss of the ticket as a result of theft or childbirth before the planned event.
In the second half of 2022, PZU also implemented device insurance for clients who buying equipment at The cover includes computer equipment and household devices with respect to malfunction after the warranty period expires, damage, destruction, flooding, devastation, loss as a result of theft or burglary.
Claims and benefits handling
Claims handling is the moment the client checks the quality of their product. Satisfying client expectations in handling claims or benefits is the key to building PZU’s client relationships.
PZU Group insurance companies offer many ways in which claims or events may be reported. Traditional methods notwithstanding (phone, or personally at a branch or agent), it develops remote channels. The online website for reporting claims and benefits allows the amount claimed to be automatically calculated, and foreign partners to report a claim. The website upholds its emphasis on plain communication language and was awarded the “Plain Polish Language Certificate” by the Institute of Plain Polish at the University of Wrocław. Similarly, with or mojePZU app, a client may conveniently and independently report a claim and check its current status. At LINK4, claims can be reported by filling out a form at the websitełoszenie.
How to report a claim
Since 2020, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, most of the claims handling staff is offered an opportunity to work remotely, which secures the continuity of the claims and benefits handling. The hybrid working arrangements, where staff work at home and at the office on certain weekdays, is currently in force.
PZU has a Relationship Manager who stays in contact with the injured party for the duration of the claims or benefits handling process. That person’s assignment is not only to collect the documents needed to take care of the case, but also to convey information to the client about the stage of handling the process.
PZU was the pioneer in DCH (Direct Claims Handling) on the Polish insurance market. Currently, DCH is executed in two forms: at an individual level or under the agreement worked out by Polish Chamber of Insurance (PIU). DCH is offered by entities accounting for nearly 70% of the motor TPL insurance market, as measured by gross written premium. The said agreement, which is based on a lump-sum approach, has dramatically simplified the settlement of claim payments between insurers. Thanks to DCH, the claim following an accident is handled by the insurer from whom the TPL policy has been purchased. The insurer subsequently makes a settlement with the perpetrator’s insurer, without the client’s participation. PZU also maintained its own DCH solution previously introduced for clients injured by the persons insured in companies that are not part of the said agreement. Since 2020, LINK4 is also involved in the DCH system.
PZU cooperates with repair shops in the area of post-accident vehicle repairs in countries covered by the PZU Group’s insurance business. PZU has created Poland’s largest network of cooperating repair shops enabling it to control the quality and speed of service already at the claim handling stage. Every client who orders a repair in the PZU Assistance Repair Network receives a quality certificate ensuring that the repair has been performed in accordance with the highest standards
PZU is developing its proposal to assist clients in managing motor and property damage remains. Clients may sell the remains via the Online Assistance platform to the highest bidder, where bidders are credible entities cooperating permanently with the administrator of the platform.
In the first half of 2022, PZU continued its customer service standard introduced in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic – door to door service, i.e., collection and delivery of the vehicle from and to the client. Thanks to this solution the client could have their vehicle repaired without leaving home. PZU additionally pursued the procedure of disinfecting a vehicle after repair by a Repair Network workshop before it is released to the customer. Door-to-door service and vehicle disinfection have been suspended from 1 July 2022.
In 2022, as regards personal TPL claims handling under, a series of initiatives was launched to ensure the best support possible for those injured in accidents. Following the identification of substantial damage or damage from which the person injured may recover through physical rehabilitation, claims are handled with emphasis put on the cooperation with the client. Solutions suggested are adapted to the specific situation in which the injured person finds themselves, such as physical rehabilitation schemes, assistance in the choice and purchase of prosthetics, assistance in the choice of treatment and place of treatment, or mental support. These types of claims are handled by dedicated Relationship Managers with high substantive and interpersonal competences. Claims are handled in a way to minimize the injured person’s engagement in the claims handling process, as well as to satisfy their claims as fully as possible at the stage of claims handling.
In 2022, PZU continued pursuing an alternative way to help customers outside of Poland while bypassing intermediaries. PZU Pomoc organized road assistance through Polishspeaking service providers; the service was available throughout the year in selected parts of Germany and during holidays additionally in Croatia. Moreover, a new combined transport model has been developed for long-distance international towing orders, in order to reduce their costs, and an additional partner has been engaged specializing in the provision of hotel and taxi services in the territory of the European Union.
In Poland, a service provider network for trucks has been created from scratch and a unified, attractive price list has been developed for these services. The first Truck Assistance policies have already been serviced.
The year 2022 saw the continued functioning of the road assistance monitoring system. Service providers gained access to the MASA (Assistance Network Activity Monitoring) application through which they receive orders, can take photos of the incident site, which are then automatically uploaded, and immediately get in contact with the hotline by pressing a button in the application.
The potential and solutions of the PZU Group in claims handling are also used by LINK4, which avails itself of car wreck sales platforms (PPO), on-site inspections, and the moto-assistance service (PZU Pomoc). Thanks to this cooperation, since 2021, LINK4 has been providing vehicle towing services for all incident participants. It provides towing across the whole country, 24/7, for all types of vehicles, including specialist vehicles and trucks. The service contributes to building and strengthening relationships with the incident participants, irrespective of whether they are LINK4 client or not.
LINK4 also uses PZU’s Repair Network for repairing vehicles. To facilitate service, it uses a tool supporting the referral of drivers to partner repair shops. A dedicated search engine, based on defined business rules, allows the choice of the optimal partner repair shop. It accounts for the client’s preferences, distance, and costs of repair. In 2022, LINK4 launched a dedicated hotline for partner repair shops. The introduction of a new communications channel facilitated and accelerated the process of considering the reports.
PZU develops new methods for determining the extent of the loss to expedite the calculation of the amount claimed. In non-life insurance, on top of conducting a vehicle inspection through a Mobile Motor Expert in a venue chosen by a client or in a Repair Network workshop, the quantum of the loss may be determined under:
- simplified service procedure (without conducting a vehicle inspection);
- self-service (calculation of the amount of the loss on your own);
- video inspection (via the app to determine the amount claimable) – solution which functioned until mid-2022.
PZU supports dealing with the entire claims handling process with the use of a smartphone. Using a smartphone, the injured party may:
- report a claim;
- summon assistance on the roadside or from home;
- initiate the repair process in a Repair Network workshop;
- conduct a video inspection (until mid-2022) and determine the amount claimable.
PZU deals only with the final stage in the claims handling process, i.e., determining the amount claimed and disbursement.
PZU also allows self-service for property and ADD claims and benefits which allows the client to calculate the claims or benefits after reporting the damage. The client may accept or reject the proposed amount. In the case of ADD claims and benefits, the client personally marks the nature of their injuries on an intuitive human figure, which makes it possible to calculate the benefit amount.
In motor and property damage and in centers repairing devices damaged by a power surge, the client may also assess on their own the claim amount. This piece of information is then forwarded online to the Relationship Manager who executes the payment. This service allows clients to participate in the payout decision in a simple and convenient manner and reduces the waiting time for the disbursement of the benefit. Satisfaction surveys carried out among PZU clients reveal the fact that insured persons are of a very favorable opinion about this service. PZU companies in the Baltic States are rolling out similar improvements. Since 2019, automatic death benefit payments are made. The payments are approved in an automated process, which considerably speeds up the handling of those cases.
In addition, PZU introduced robotics elements at the stage of summarizing the claims report, sending out correspondence, making the claims decision and downloading police memos in order to speed up the payout of the amounts claimed. Robotics is used in specific claim types, e.g., motor claims, mass claims caused by weather phenomena, and handling of medical and life claims (deaths and births). Robotic solutions supporting the process of writing insurance cover for cases reported have been introduced. Additionally, in ADD claims, robotization has allowed verifying information concerning the client’s report of the claim in another company (in cases where the client has consented to the exchange of information between PZU and PZU Życie) This solution ensures consistent service for various ADD reports of the same incident.
The Repair Network repair shops apply an innovative technology using artificial intelligence algorithms which makes it possible to analyze the photographs documenting the damage. It can also determine the scope of the damage and classify the given part for repair or replacement. The algorithms can detect more irregularities more quickly and accurately, and confirm that all repairs are carried out in compliance with the procedures and standards adopted by PZU. In 2022, artificial intelligence analyzed over 120 thousand claims worth over PLN 1 billion.
In March 2022, PZU together with Tractable launched a Web app for Clients/Relationship Managers allowing the calculation of the amounts claimable based on photographs of the damage – AiLik 3. Photographs showing damaged vehicles are verified by AI-based algorithms. The tool has been developed with expert systems as its foundation. As a result, the user receives an automatically generated repair calculation which they may edit.
For non-motor claims, PZU launched the AiHome application in 2022. The application uses cutting-edge technology to support PZU employees in valuing household movable property, including in particular brown goods and white goods. This solution not only expedites the process of valuing the damaged household property, but also ensures that this process is uniform thanks to day-by-day price updates from leading vendors and provision of the same data to all Relationship Managers.
In 2022, PZU Mobile Experts received similar assistance. They got the Agro Lab tool which uses AI and space technology for quick and precise agricultural claims handling. The implementation of Agro Lab at the PZU Group reduced the time it took to analyze damage on site by around 50% and expedited the payment of amounts claimed by around 25%. The AI algorithms employed in the tool use satellite images of the area and particulars featured in the PZU database to specify the area damaged, and support the expert values in efficiently calculating the claims payable. PZU is one of the first insurers in the world to have developed a technology able to efficiently analyze damage caused by hurricanes, rain and winterkill using satellite images.
The year 2022 also saw several implementations in robotics. A new MOD SN Robot-based solution was introduced. This is a claims-handling robot for claims where the client is within PZU’s repair network at the stage of reporting. Within this process, the robot handles the claim from the very start, notifies the repair shop to present documents, sends a letter to the client, and most of all pays out an advance on amounts claimed, and later an additional payment once the invoice is sent. The robotization of the process allowed its significant acceleration – after the cost estimate or invoice is accepted, the robot immediately prepares and approves the decision. The robot’s work accounts for the life cycle of claims and situations in which they should arise in the process as a standard. For example, thanks to looping, the robot may return to a claim despite a business exception and consider it again. The year 2022 also saw the launch of Robot BLS TUS which dealt with the automation of DCH TUS claims handling process. Claims are handled substantively at another insurance company. PZU receives information about claims reported. It subsequently confirms the guarantee or insurance. After the decision is issued, PZU receives the decision to be uploaded into the system. Within the robotized process, manual tasks performed so far by the Claims Handling Manager have been transferred onto the robot.
Following automation in benefit-related processes (incl. the robotization of the decision issuing process in benefits for deaths, births and hospital treatment), 2022 saw continued RPA implementation efforts in claims and benefits handling. Subsequent robotized processes included automatic payments of benefits for the death of the insured person, as well as technical activities during the refusal process in cases without insurance cover or where no permanent bodily injury was established.
In 2022, Relationship Managers enjoyed robot assistance in identifying claims with subrogation potential. The objective of the process is to identify the claim as one with subrogation potential as early in the handling process as possible. The robot runs on a specially designed control file, in which, on the basis of experience and analysis of the past few years, the so-called keywords (words that qualify and exclude a claim from the subrogation process) have been identified, which prove or may prove that there is a potential for subrogation in the claim. The robot searches for the selected keywords in 3 places, having their source in SLS (claims handling system): description of circumstances, operator’s commentary and cause of damage. If the robot finds one of the keywords, it performs a series of actions in SLS:
- it flags the information status as ‘potential subrogation’ and ‘robot subrogation’ – securing control of the claim with a subrogation potential;
- it attaches to the supporting materials for the claim the socalled subrogation scenario, i.e., a form to be filled in, which is an instruction for the Relationship Manager as to what actions should be performed in the claim in order to secure subrogation claims;
- it adds instructions for the Relationship Manager to assess whether the damage selected by the robot has subrogation potential and to execute a subrogation scenario – for these actions, the Relationship Manager has 21 business days, but no longer than until the day the decision on the claim is issued.
If, on the other hand, the robot finds keywords contained in the control file that are flagged as excluding subrogation potential, then it abandons the above actions. The implemented process supporting the work of the Relationship Manager is to increase the number of selected subrogation claims and, what is equally important, improve the issue of proper protection of subrogation claims by obtaining documents and information necessary to effectively pursue subrogation claims at the stage of handling the claim.
In 2022, LINK4 also continued efforts related to the implementation of modern solutions, the application of which facilitates the existing processes and pursues the objective of a fast and effective claims handling process which is friendly and understandable for the client.
A new Internet Claims Status (ISS) application was introduced, thanks to which LINK4 clients have 24/7 access to information about their claims, and the ability to track the status of the case reported, as well as to attach and download documents. Furthermore, thanks to ISS, clients are able to contact their Claims Handling Manager, report their need for a replacement car, and look for a partner repair shop in a convenient location. In 2022, the application handled certain types of motor and property claims.
In 2022, LINK4 introduced a new application for handling ADD claims which significantly improves the time it takes to handle a claim. With this application, clients are able to independently present the injuries they have suffered and provide necessary information and medical records.
A new robot for handling housing claims has been launched as well, which is responsible for sending inspection orders to subcontractors. The robots functioning at LINK4 have reduced the work time, improved efficiency significantly and allow the company to implement additional solutions to increase customer satisfaction. Among others, they support: automatic registration of motor and casualty and property claims, update of the provision amount and entry of costs of inspections carried out by third party suppliers, verification of a vehicle’s claims ratio, collection of loss documentation, handling of memos from the Insurance Guarantee Fund, handling of medical opinions, verification of vehicles with MOD insurance, the process of sharing claims files, sending claims decisions; they prepare payouts in the Direct Claims Handling process, and collect the documentation of inspections from the platforms used by the company
In 2022, LINK4 continued efforts concerning the transformation of the claims handling process, aimed at implementing a new system and tools supporting process automation. Efforts involved implementing modern solutions facilitating the claims handling process, including an AIbased tool to analyze the scope of damage and prepare cost estimates from photographs.
In 2022, foreign insurance companies continued the improvement of claims handling processes.
At Lietuvos Draudimas, the claims handling process is centralized. The main changes in 2022 were related to the implementation of automatic payment of private client claims (motor and property) via the following website: At the end of the year, about 75% of private client claims were automatically registered.
The development of the self-service portal has been helping to transform the claims handling process – directing clients to submit claims online, provide the necessary evidence (photos and documents), and even use remote inspections and assessment tools (especially for motor claims) to estimate and make automatic payments. All claim documents are stored in the Saperion filing system. This system provides clients with service history, damage documents, information on actions taken by liquidators, traffic history, suggested claim value and documents from relevant institutions.
In September 2022, the process was streamlined in the TIA system to automatically detect recoverability for motor third party liability insurance claims where the at-fault driver did not meet the policy conditions (regarding the driver’s age or experience – according to the categories specified in the driver’s license).
Private property claims are automatically registered with the TIA when submitted to the self-service portal. Online registration combined with TIA and Saperion allows more efficient handling of major incident claims (especially related to weather risks) and shortens the cycle of handling low-value claims, and optimizes the number of inspections.
ADD claims can be registered directly in the TIA application thanks to the implemented automatic registration via the following website: The handling of travel insurance claims is outsourced in part to OPS Lithuania partner to provide round-the-clock assistance in the event of an accident abroad.
Health claims are handled through the EPS system, which connects health care providers (health institutions, pharmacies, etc.) to the TIA database. The EPS system allows clients to pay for services using a health insurance card. The network consists of more than 120 partners.
Motor claims are mainly registered automatically with TIA after they have been submitted to the self-service portal. Online registration connects to TIA, Saperion and Audatex. This allows clients to use the self-assessment tool on the selfservice portal: The tool shortens the cycle of handling low-value claims. Some business clients also have the option to automatically register claims with TIA after submitting them to the self-service portal, but most motor claims are registered at or through the Contact Center.
In mid-February 2022, repair partner Carglass was given the option to use the integrated payment tool. Once the windshield is replaced or repaired, the payment data (including the repair invoice and other necessary documents) is uploaded from the Carglass system and if all the established business rules in TIA are met – a semi-automatic payment is created. The implementation has significantly shortened the claims handling process.
Since April 2022, claim liquidators have been able to use a new functionality in TIA that allows automatic payment processing once the customer confirms that they agree with the calculated benefit amount on the self-service portal: The implementation of this functionality has increased the efficiency of the process; when all the established business rules in TIA are met, there is no need to manually enter data to make the payment.
In 2022, Balta launched a pet insurance claims application. The app is used by more than 95% of customers.
In PZU Estonia, an automated invoice confirmation and payment process has been implemented to automate the claims handling process. The incoming invoice is automatically attached to the claim in question, and the system makes the payment.
The ability to register a claim through PZU’s self-service portal has also been launched, and the data is transferred directly to the claims handling system. Self-service registration of client claims ensures faster administration, which means that the claim amount is paid to the client much faster.
PZU Ukraina introduced a complete shift to remote customer service for claims in 2022, with no need to visit offices. The process of documenting and photographing damaged vehicles for simple motor TPL insurance and MOD insurance claims was simplified.
Each major property damage is reviewed by the Security Department for a causal link between the damage and war or hostilities in the area where the damage occurred.
The company PZU Ukraina Życie under martial law was forced to switch to accepting documents for payment in electronic form, as well as signing insurance contracts and letters to clients in the VCHASNO system. This required an overhaul of the claims handling process, but it was also a viable step toward the introduction of an electronic workflow in this customer service segment.
During the first months of the war, there was a significant drop in both the number of claims reported and the number of claims handled. Gradually, however, all claims for which a complete package of documents had been received were handled, and standard deadlines for claims handling were restored.

Factors, including threats and risks, that may affect insurance business in 2023
In addition to chance events such as sudden floods, hail, torrential rain, hurricanes, cyclones, droughts, spring ground frosts, which due to the ongoing climate change are becoming more and more unpredictable and contribute to increasing claims ratio in the property insurance sector, the following hazards also exist:
- return of the COVID-19 pandemic and its socio-economic consequences, in particular deterioration of the financial standing of businesses and employees from industries affected by the restrictions and the related problems with maintaining and paying for the policies;
- high uncertainty as to the growth of new car sales, mainly in the dealership channel and financed by leasing companies, which may result in lower sales of motor insurance;
- increase in the prices of spare parts affecting claims handling expenses due to the depreciation of the Polish zloty against the euro and problems in global supply chains (the impact of sanctions against Russia and military action in Ukraine) translating into a lack of availability of components for the production of cars and limited availability of spare parts;
- uncertainty regarding the impact of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority’s recommendations on claims handling on the value of claims paid;
- reduced demand for voluntary insurance due to a higher inflation rate, higher unemployment and a decline in employment;
- slower economic growth in Poland – the more challenging financial standing of companies may result in elevated credit risk, a higher claims ratio on the financial insurance portfolio and deceleration in the pace of gross written premium growth;
- changes in trends and behavior of client seeking customized proposals and an electronic, swift conclusion of agreements and handling insurance, forcing insurers to adapt to these new expectations rapidly;
- increase of insurance fraud as a result of the more difficult situation in numerous industries, increasing unemployment and lower employment rates;
- introduction of additional regulations or financial burdens on insurance undertakings.
Major risk factors include:
- inflation and its impact on the clients’ financial standing and consequently purchasing capacity as well as the real loss of value of sums insured in portfolio policies (possible need to index sums insured);
- demographic changes and the aging society and the ensuing changes in the mortality and fertility levels;
- constant price pressure in group insurance and the battle for client ownership (and client data), thereby cutting the insurer’s margins, reducing the quality of the product and fostering entry and exit obstacles for clients to overcome with independent intermediaries;
- softer conditions on the capital markets deteriorating the attractiveness of products, especially unit-linked products;
- negative effect of higher interest rates, increasing inflation and maintenance expenses (prices of energy, goods and services) on sales of mortgage/cash loans and linked insurance products;
- the aging of the population and changes in trends and behavior of client seeking customized proposals – influencing the development of new market segments;
- the emergence of new strains of the SARS-CoV2 virus or other viruses, which could result in further pandemics and their social and economic consequences, including those directly and indirectly regarding increased mortality rates;
- impact of new EIOPA regulations for the insurance market in the European Union;
- KNF decision on product intervention in the unit-linked life insurance segment, which came into effect on 1 January 2022;
- the emergence of new competitors and solutions, including the operators of large client bases or insurtech companies.
In addition to chance events such as sudden floods, hail, torrential rain, hurricanes, cyclones, droughts, spring ground frosts, which due to the ongoing climate change are becoming more and more unpredictable and contribute to increasing claims ratio in the property insurance sector, the following hazards also exist:
- geopolitical tensions, particularly the ongoing RussiaUkraine, which has a direct impact on the possibility of conducting insurance operations in Ukraine and on their results;
- slowdown of economic growth in the Baltic States and Ukraine – the more challenging financial standing of companies may result in elevated credit risk, a higher claims ratio on the financial insurance portfolio and deceleration in the pace of gross written premium growth in both motor and property insurance;
- negative effect of higher interest rates, increasing inflation and maintenance expenses (prices of energy, goods and services) on sales of mortgage/cash loans and linked insurance products;
- impact of new EIOPA regulations for the insurance market in the European Union;
- changes in trends and behavior of client seeking customized proposals and an electronic, swift conclusion of agreements and handling insurance, forcing insurers to adapt to these new expectations rapidly;
- increase in insurance fraud cases as a result of the more difficult situation in numerous industries causing growing unemployment;
- introduction of additional regulations or financial burdens on insurance undertakings.